Got 3 more weeks left for my industrial training. Part of me damn happy to go back but another part wants to stay here because of the people that I've got to know and like :) Will I ever consider coming back KL after my Diploma? Perhaps but the living cost here is ripping me off my flesh :( I hope I learnt something here in KL, I'm still searching. I don't want this training to be of waste. Haha, the last thing on my mind would be meeting someone special and it's true, haha. I haven't met anyone, so it's okay :) Maybe people that I like are out of my league, maybe it's not time yet, maybe I am meant to be by myself :)
Well, because I have too much free time at hand, I discovered GLEE and a passion for stage performance. I like it and I wish I'm part of it. It's so much fun. I want a life where I can sing my woes away, to be accepted for who I am.
I admit, I am a Musical-Freak :) I sing but I'm not a singer, I'm an entertainer/performer. Watching GLEE has made me realized how much I've been missing out in life. I am a shy stranger. It takes me awhile to warm up but I bring a lot of fun to the table. What did GLEE do to opened up my eyes? I can't be shy forever, there's so much more to show to the World. Everyone has their own talent and potential although I did not believe it at first. I've always been figuring out what is my talent. Can I sing? Can I dance? The truth is, I can't do both very well separately but I can do both pretty decent when combined together :)
I'm such a GLEEK. It's fun to express yourself through music and dance. Music is the universal language so why not?! Imagine singing and dancing and telling people what you think through music. It's the best thing. I've always been a wall-flower in clubs. That's because I can't do clubbing dance where they bop their head up and down, up and down. I can only dance according to the music without any choreography but it seems right :) I've never called myself a singer because that's not what I am. I've never called myself a photographer because that's not me too :) I am just a teenager exploring his world that seems to be filled with possibilities and lots of things interest me in this world :)
Monday, February 28, 2011
Given a life of fame and fortune infront of you, would you screw it up? Dicky Eckland (Christian Bale)had the time of his life and was at the peak of his game when he defeated Sugar Ray in a match but he screwed it all with the help of drugs. He spent his days in a crack-house, surrounded by prostitute. Then there's Micky Ward (Mark Wahlberg), his brother who was trained by Dicky himself to be a boxer but Micky although with a great left hook, seem to be just losing in every match until he got the title of "The Stepping Stone" for boxers to rise to fame by defeating him. Micky soon learn that he cannot depend on his brother anymore. Dicky was stoned and high half of the time and always late for training.
Micky fought his way to Heavyweight title through the help of his dad, new girlfriend Charlene (played by Amy Adams) and decides not to have anything to do with his brother anymore. The story here centers on the fight with your inner demons and being able to make things right. Watch it for yourself because although it's not my type of movie, I kinda enjoyed it :)
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Dear Bloggy, I have a confession to make. I wear eyeliner but only when I go clubbing or performing emo songs. Is it necessary for guys to put on make-up? Is foundation, mascara, lip-gloss a must? Well, I have some friends who think it's a must. In the modern age of today, men tend to put on more make-up than girls. Trust me, it's not only the gay ones, it's the straight ones and some of the confused creatures of God. The straights, I have no idea why they would put make-up on. The gays, I understand because some of them wanna look like their female-counterpart and the confused ones? Erm, c'mon already. You put on make-up, you're turning the queer path :) You may deny it all you want but you're either bi or completely G-A-Y. I'm gay, I wear eyeliner, it's legit :)
But I don't do other forms of make-up and I will never do. So, will you? Or you already half-way there? Be proud of the way you are born and that's all the confidence you will ever need. The more make-up you put, the more you crack :)
Friday, February 25, 2011
And so I've heard that END OF THE WORLD is supposedly on the 23rd of December 2012 which is my BiRTHDAY! Okay, Mayans/Gods/Creatures/Supernatural beings or anything, why you wanna pick my Birthday as the day you wanna end the world? LOL! Like what? Happy Birthday to you...BOOM! BYE...???
I also heard that there's this couple that is getting married next year December 23rd. When asked why, the answer was cuz it's the end of the World so we wanna spend our last day together and what better way to do it? Well,'s not exactly the best way...look it this way. You get married on December 23rd and the World ends on the same day. Where's the sex and the honeymoon? It's like 'Till Death Do Us Part' then BOOM, seriously till death do you part! Then where's the honeymoon? Eternal-Afterlife Honeymoon :)
So guys, if the World is ending on the 23rd of December 2012, you betta celebrate my Birthday! HAHA, kidding...
Are YOU A GLEEK yet? Of Course You ARE!
I'm an official GLEEK! I did not start as a hater but I did not start as a lover as well. I was kinda in-between, on the fence cuz I got sooo bored and annoyed with High School Musical. In particular, Vanessa Hudgens but GLEE rocks! Beginning of the season is kinda boring with older song choices but it gets better. There's plenty of eye candy, that's the best part. Sam, Puck and Mr. Shue? Hehe...Oh! And Brittany played by Heather Morris! How can you not love her? She looks and dance way better than both Britney and Ke -with a dollar sign-ha. The latest music video of GLEE cover is out and it's Ke$ha's Tik Tok! Check it out...
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
CRAFTY Anyone?
CRAFTY Art Market was on Saturday, 19th February 2011. It's ART! Why would I be missing it? Well, I'm glad I made it there. I was actually working there but I had tons of FUN just by looking at all the handmade arts and crafts. Too bad I don't have my own place, otherwise I would have bought paintings after paintings. Blame it on the pocket, haha :) Just to share with everyone, these are some of the stuffs there. I am in love with BUTTON BADGES! Especially naughty ones *wink wink* Want a piece of Crafty? Well, you've gotta wait for the next 3 months :(
Monday, February 21, 2011
Pointless App?
Do you own an iPhone? I don't and I am not a big fan of it except for some applications. iPhone can be really addictive when you are into some of the apps. Well, one of the apps that you won't find me going gaga about is the Hannah Tan Application. C'mon, seriously? An app about Hannah Tan and Hannah Tan? Develop by Hannah T herself, the app is for fans of Hannah T who wants to know what she does in her daily life, what is it like to be Hannah Tan and what else you don't know about her. Why on Earth would anyone sponsor the making of such app? Have you seen Hannah Tan's Christmas jingle music video? Ridiculous and totally has no relevant to Christmas and this app? Erm, I am trying VERY HARD not to be bitchy about it.
A Joseph App anyone? Maybe it's more interesting? Leia o post completo...
Friday, February 18, 2011
I can't stop listening to Born This Way and I am still addicted to Gaga's performance during The Grammys. This is the first time that Gaga is dressed in such a simple manner. Many have said that her records has been going down towards the more mellow and softer tone eversince she wrote Speechless for her Fame Monster album. I personally loved that song because that song and it's lyrics meant alot to me. Gaga's songs are very meaningful in away that each song stands for something we all fight for in our daily life.
Born This Way is the first song to ever have the words gays, straights, bi, lesbian and trans-gendered life in it. You thought Sir Elton John or any other gay stars would fight or speak up to Gay Rights but it did not happen until Lady Gaga came along with this song. This is the perfect anthem for any haters and racists out there. From the very first line of the song, it already stands out with a statement. This song is not just any commercialized pop, it's a statement for the public.
Posted by Joseph at 4:37 PM
0 comments Labels: born this way lyrics, lady gaga, lady gaga grammys

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Britney...PLEASE Hold iT Against ME!
The highly anticipated music video of Britney's comeback single, Hold It Against Me was released earlier today. The song is not too bad. It's good for shaking around and honestly? I have higher hopes for the MV.
The music video is a lil' broken doll-ish and there's some Gaga influence of course. The song has so much hype but the video doesn't have that much. It just feels...mismatch. Not to forget, the video has got LOTS of tacky self-promo with Britney spraying herself with her perfume Radiance by Britney Spears at 0.39 and cosmetics at 0.47 but the male dance in 0.50 is REALLY HOT! Cheap-O? Sigh...what's the deal these days? Avril did the same thing, now Britney?
At. 0.58, Britney looks really good in her big flowy dress which looked like she could hide Justin Bieber underneath but I don't wanna know.
At 1.29, notice she has wires and attachments on her finger all the way through her back? Gaga anyone?
At 1.36, Plenty Of Fish website is being used again after Gaga made the site famous in her Telephone MV. I like the concept of microphones surrounding Britney in 1.50 but she looks like a major drag in ths make up and costume.
Pay attention to 2.36 and you will see Britney's dancers are FACELESS. Now thats a major rip-off from Gaga, don't you think so?
In 2.44 her mouth became wide like the joker which gives you the creeps but that is all. There's no continuation to the creepy side.
2.47 is the beginning where Britney fights with herself, punching and kicking her inner demons? Erm, then there's squirting paints from her fingers...replacing the paints with electricity would be better. I thought she was gonna shoot bolts of lightning but only to find out there's Buncho's Poster Color. Britney sure toned down WAY too much. She don't even look like she have the energy to dance anymore. The music video is so irrelevant to the song and you don't see a storyline here. The only part that I like was when she sings the slow part and she's in the flowy dress with clips of her past MVs on the television.
Watch it for yourself and let me know... Leia o post completo...
Posted by Joseph at 2:39 PM
0 comments Labels: britney spears, hold it against me

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The Grammys came and ended. Personally, the Grammys was more of to watch Gaga's performance of her latest single 'Born This' Way'. Haters say that it wasn't up to par but I like it that Gaga has toned down a little bit. She's showing a softer side of herself. Anyways, it's not about Gaga but it's about the Red Carpet for The Grammys. Here's some that I picked out.
Can't compare them but Oscar's Red Carpet was better...fav of the night? Ricky Martin and Gaga. Haha, sorry I'm bias over here xD Leia o post completo...
Posted by Joseph at 12:29 PM
0 comments Labels: 53rd Grammys, katy perry, lady gaga, red carpet

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Thursday, February 17, 2011
Star-Crossed Lovers
Star-Crossed Lovers, a term or phrase often use to describe a pair of lovers who's love/relationship are often thwarted by outside force. The phrase is astrological in origin stemming from the belief that the stars holds our fate. The pairings are often fated for doom.
There's tons of Star-Crossed Lovers throughout time and space. We've heard of them over and over. One of the most common story of star-crossed loves is Romeo & Juliet. Facing hardship, objections and death to only be together death. There's also the Liang Shanbo & Zhu Yingtai of Butterfly Lovers from the Asian legends which is the Chinese version of Romeo & Juliet, well...a little bit similar. There's also Mark Anthony & Cleopatra, Venus & Adonis during the Renaissance era, Paris of Troy and Helen of Sparta in The Iliad, Hero & Leander in Greek myths and so much more.
Posted by Joseph at 3:51 PM
0 comments Labels: guinevere, isis, lancelot, love, osiris, star-crossed lovers

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