OMG! I went to Queensbay with George and Keith. Robert drop us there and went off to see his client before he joined us. Keith introduce a friend of his from China to us. We chatted, well they chatted more. My eyes were glued onto his friend's bag cause its a long bag which suits me. Keith helped me ask where he got his bag. He told me he got it from Samuel & Kevin but from the outlet in China. Crap! Dissapointed. But I insisted on going to Samuel & Kevin to check it out. Ended with George buying a bag. Keith & I tried on a few shirts. I was THIS close to buying the sihrt. Also V-neck. Keith's was round neck. Same design but we didn't buy it cause Keith said its kinda fitted so he might not wear it even if he buys it. At that moment, I froze and hesitated. So I didn't get it...
Guess what? I am going back to Queensbay to get that shirt and maybe another T-shirt that I saw at Samuel & Kevin. See? I need HELP, therapy or anything...
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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