Got up at 9am today...
Got ready to tag along with Annie for Nehemiah, Hansel & her performance practice. Followed them to Youth Park and watched their practice. They choose to perform Lucky by Jason Mraz featuring Colbie Caillat as their song. It's Lucky by Hansel Mraz featuring Annie Caillat, LOL! Don't have much to say about the practice. They choose a tricky duet song to do. Good luck, guys! After that, they discussed about what they should wear. Came up with the theme of black and white. Maybe just a splash of red? Man! I feel like performing Trouble Is A Friend by Lenka.
Well, I need to get myself a buttoned down long sleeve shirt too. So, I suggested to Annie that we head to Gurney Plaza. Only the 2 of us, though. Nehemiah had to go to church while Hansel's got some dating to do. Took Annie to have a look at her dress first. Went to Nichii, BeBe, Padini Concept Store which covers SEED, PDI and other clothing house. She couldn't find what she wants 'cause she says its not her style. Bumped into Gary on ground floor. He's working at the Olympus booth for the Camera & PC Fair. Jenson joined us later on.
With Jenson in, its time for us GUYS to do some shopping. We both wanna get something semi-formal. We head to FOS. We both tried on a shirt and it looked GREAT! Will KiV (keep in view) it. Didn't bother to go to Reject 'cause the quality there nowdays SUCKS real bad!
After that, Annie said she wanna go to Prangin to have a look at the dresses there. Okie dokie...
Upon reaching Prangin, we head to many many boutiques. I can't even remember the names of the boutiques. Annie tried on 3 dresses in the first boutique. 1 was checkered, then the next was a white and black dress with a lil splash of red with an optional sash. the third one was a black and white dress which made her look like a French maid with the frills at the bottom. Jenson & I told her the first and third dress is a NO NO! KiV the second dress though. Went to few other boutiques. OMG! Annie! Every dress she pick, they are all flowery as in dresses with floral prints! And not to forget, she goes for brown tone. Not earth tone, just plain brown tone...she needs help in dress department! There were like LOTS of moments when Jenson & I were like, Annie! NO! No more floral prints! She insisted on getting a floral dress, THANK GOD we managed to stop her! If she had bought the floral print dress, we really need to call the Fashion Police already. Next boutique! She picked another floral print dress! WTH??!! Time to call for help. We went to get Daryl at his shop. Then we went to several other boutiques. Daryl's reaction to Annie's choice of prints. HAHAHA! We picked out simple, sophisticated and elegant dresses for her and ALL she said "No/not her style/not nice". Adoi! Then there's a line that she kept on using. "I'm too fit". Meaning? The dress is too loose. The comments that Daryl made was hilarious! Which I will not post up. She then took us to a boutique opposite of her working place. OMG! Holy crap! She picked out a dress thats beige on top (thats fine) and has got prints that looked like my grandmother's sarung at the bottom. She seriously needs help! Daryl picked for her a simple black dress, she tried it and she said she's too fit. I even got her colleague to help comment. Her colleague said our choices were good. Annie punya taste...alamak. Took ALOT of energy and persuassion before she finally decides to go back to the VERY FIRST dress she tried out. The black and white with a lil splash of red. We asked her to try it out for Daryl to see. The dress cost RM53 and the sash cost RM10. She thought the sash was FREE. So, she was hesistating till Jenson said he'll pay for the sash 'cause we've helping her to choose her dress from 12pm till 6.30pm. FINALLY!
Well, us guys went to look at some of the clothes they have in Prangin also. Didn't really suit me, Jenson and Daryl. A lil too lala and gay-ish. The gay-ish clothes Jenson kept on saying it suits me. Haha, very funny! Jenson tried out a shirt opposite of PDI. A blue shirt made out of shiny fabric. He's in love with that shirt but he KiV it too 'cause its RM79.90 wherelse the one we tried on at FOS is only RM50. I tried on the bling shirt (that's what I call it). I tried the white one on. It looked DAMN good on me. Haha! I should get more buttoned down shirts instead of plain black tees. I still like the shirt in FOS. Haha! We'll see...
You know you love me...
xoxo - Gossip Boy
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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