First class of the 2nd Semester, Human Communication. It was held in lecture hall so it comprises of all the Mass Communication students. We were introduced to our lecturer, Mr. Aaron. Cool guy, can joke around. This is the type of lecturer one can relate to and won't feel intimidated. He ask us bout our major. You know, what are we going to major in next year...
Most of my classmates raise their hand up when Broadcasting and PR & Advertising was mention. 2 of them going for Broadcast Journalism. I'm THE ONLY ONE who's going for Journalism...
Thanks to that, I've got a new nickname. "Reporter". Zzz...
We were divided into 2 groups for our Tutorial lessons. I'm in Group A for Human Communication and Group B for Visual Communication. Group A comprises alot of my friends, some were placed in Group B but in the end they managed to switch to Group A.
I'm taking Microeconomics, so are my friends. And the Microeconomics lecturer is DAMN boring! He makes lame jokes that nobody laughs at. His method of teaching is just repeating everything from the notes he gave us...
Tutorial A for Human Communication is FUN! Our lecturer's name is Kelsen Loh. Young lecturer, between 26-28?
He suprised us when he told us we have to do a 3min presentation about ourself, why we choose Mass Communication and about the latest movie that we watch.
When it was my turn, I kena really 'gao gao' with my friends. While I was presenting, they kept saying out loud 'bout me & Kia. LOL! When I talked about the current album that I'm in love with, they say I'm in love with Kia.
After that I saw that Mr. Kelsen was writing some remarks about our presentation 'cause he sat infront of me. Beside my name it was written 'KIA?'
You know you love me...
xoxo - Gossip Boy
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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