Oooppss...I forgot to post bout this yesterday. Here goes...
Yesterday during Human Comm lecture class, 2 of our classmate, 1 called Emo the other called Kiasu were acting smart. Both answered Aaron's question but too bad, most of their answers were wrong. Haha! They thought they were smart and 1 step ahead of others but sad to say, there weren't. They based their answers from Wikipedia. Anyone would know that they based all their answers through Wikipedia. Emo accidentally blurt out that 'Wikipedia says so, Sir you should try go Wikipedia see'. Then, Kiasu asked Emo to 'shhhh...!' Poor thing. And they dare to ask the lecturer to go online and do his research? Oh my GOD! Hahaha...
All I can say is, I didn't do my so called 'research' through Wikipedia and I managed to understand and give Aaron satisfying answer. Don't be so kiasu ler...
Joseph - OUT!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Yesterday! Kiasu!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Siew Ee...
OMG! This girl...she's got PERSONALITY written alll over her! She is sooo damn entertaining. Crack Kia and I up till we became speechless. Imagine the 3 of living together...STRESS...sure no sleep. Class also sure we'd be blur blur. But it'd be fun. Haha, damn fun! Then throw Vion and Helen in sure CHAOTIC!Joseph - OUT!
It's a GOOD thing!
Its Tuesday today. Started the day relly bad! I had a shaving accident. Everyone kept asking what happened, why there's a cut above my upper lip. Haha...
Human Communication lecture class started the day. Hmm, I find myself understanding it more and more. I started this semester abit blurrish when I was first introduced to Human Communication.
Then it was Microeconomics lecture class. Don't even mention 'bout it. Till today I don't understand a single thing. Move on...
Human Communication tutorial next! I went in abit late and Mr. Kelsen, our lecturer start to ask me questions 'bout Communication Competence. Haha, he thought just 'cause I was late I'll be blur? Sorry to dissappoint you, sir. Then ask what is Clarity pulak, then what is Appropriateness and Effectiveness. I'm not that blur...
After Kelsen's class ended, I went to kaypo in Visual Communication's tutorial. Haha...anyways, had to also. Tagging Nelson for a ride home. And I found out that Nelson is actually quite a KAYPO!
Thats all for today...
Joseph - OUT!
Birthday Celebration...
After the GG session ended, we celebrate the 3 cuckoos' birthday. Chaotic birthday celebration, man! We shoved Annie and Jenson's face into the cake, haha! Then there's Helen who got 'raped'. Hahahahaha! Aduiii, the bunch of kids. Hahaha, really siao...
Happy Birthday Annie, Jenson & Meng!!!
Joseph - OUT!
Monday, September 28, 2009
GG Session! Halfway...
Phew! Halfway through the birthday celebration. Just finish steamboat, sorta. Now waiting to cut the cake. Hah...let's see what happened so far.
There's Daryl making fun of Helen, Helen hentam balik. Lots of laughter here and there. The highlight was Kia teaching Jenson some yellow stuffs. LOTS of yellow stuffs! Example: popping cherry etc.
Kia is damn HIAO!
To be continued...
Joseph - OUT!
GG Session!!!
We're all hanging out in Jenson's place for Annie, Jenson and Ah Meng's birthday celebration. Me, Kia, Vion, Siew Ee, Nelson, Winnie, Soo Lyn, Kenny and other closest classmates and collegemates...
Oh my god! I tell you...Siew Ee. Damn entertaining. Her story telling includes actions and gestures. Mr. Aaron would be so proud. This is Communication In Action! Kia and I both laughed till our cheeks NUMB! And we've got Helen here who talks like a machine gun. Lagi fast punya machine gun than in Terminator. But her otak, like a mom's. Hahahaha....
Continue after the party is over or halfway...
You know you love me...
xoxo - Gossip Boy
Time sure flies by fast...
It's already September and October is coming soon. I'm already in my second part of my first semester. It might sound short but ALOT has happened in this 3months.
New friends were made, some were upgraded to close friends, some that I didn't think I could be friends with became one of my closest friends and some friends were discarded...
A particular btich dropped out, someone who was once sorta 'close' with me turned out to be someone who's fake. Some that I thought I could get along turn out to be people that I can't stand after seeing their true color...Some that I thought I can become close with and we did but the person is starting to be too 'pampered' by my friendship.
I try to be nice but sometimes people take advantage of it. I try to help my friends as much as I can but sometimes they think they deserve my help. The June 2009 intake sure has alot of drama. At least the drama queen is gone.
And now, I like the bunch of friends that I have. Hopefully nothing will change. If change is coming, let it be for the best.
This semester covers Human Communication, Visual Communication and (UGH!) Microeconomics. I enjoy Human and Visual Communication. I'll just leave Microeconomics comment.
I am somehow attracted to Visual Communication. I guess its because of the artsy stuffs. A particular 'friend' doubt my artwork everytime in Visual Communication's tutorial class. That 'friend' is also turning out to be annoying when he disturbs others' presentation and generally the whole class with his lame jokes. My bad, not jokes. More like bad teasing. It gets offending sometimes.
Hey, I may appear bitchy but this is who I am. You either take me for who I am or buzz off.
They say karma is a bitch and Blair Waldorf is certainly one? Well, they have yet meet me...
Joseph - OUT!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Work Oh Work - Sunday 27th September 2009
Same location today. At Farlim. Managed to sign a case. Yippeee! Kinda tired today 'cause went to 2 customers' house to do demo.
Met with colleagues Tony and Ah Kai. Knew Tony from before but Ah Kai is new to both me and Vion. Haha, cool guy. Both Tony and Ah Kai are like gay couple. Hahahahahaha...
Joseph - OUT!
Work Oh Work
I teamed with Vion yesterday in Farlim at Desa Mawar apartments, Jenson and Gary was placed at Gurney Drive and Kia & Sin Wah was placed at Bayan Baru.
The location were abit odd. We don't really expect any sign up from these places but thank god, Vion & I got 2 cases. Yippeee...
Joseph - OUT!
I Love Hair!!!
My hair's been obedient for the past few days. Haha, soooo 'guai'. Stay obedient, ya...
You know you love me...
xoxo - Gossip Boy
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Was restless the whole night cause didn't have enough time to draw the character that I wanted to draw. Argh!!!
Woke up this morning and drew it out! Finally. Now I'm satisfied...Joseph - OUT!
Friday, September 25, 2009
So dissapointed with myself...
My initial plan for the visual communication's assignment today was to draw Shana from the anime Shakugan no Shana but with the time given, which was 2hours, I can't make it in time to color it also so I change to plan B and drew Fenris Fenrir from Ragnarok instead. Damn it! I should have draw Shana instead!Joseph - OUT!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Was soooo thrilled with my SmallVille dvd set but the mood was spoiled when I was dragged by my friends to meet up with someone who I don't like for drinks. Yucks! I stayed behind in the car. What a waste of time...
The person is immature and silly! Stupid, stupid, stupid!
You know you love me...
xoxo - Gossip Boy
SmallVille Season7!
Yeah! I finally got my Smallville season7 DVD set! Season7 features Clark's cousin, Kara aka SuperGirl! Can't wait to watch it! any SmallVille fans can borrow the dvd from me....
Joseph - OUT!
Thursday 24th September 2009
First of all, Happy Birthday to Annie and Sher Lyn!!!
Ok, back to me. Oh gosh, stupid Microeconomic. Start the day with this stupid class. Yaya, have to get it in my head but I can't. Don't understand a damn thing. Luckily got Vion, Annie & Jenson who understand Micro a 'lil bit here and there. I can do the subjective questions but the graphs...go to hell!
Micro ended at 11.30am. Chatted with Kia for awhile. Then we had our lunch in canteen. Supposed to meet up with Kia for some 'story' telling session. Mana tau, he AEROPLANE me again! Aeroplane King is back. He's been missing for awhile and now he's back. Zzz...
Thank god at 3pm got Visual Communication class. Love the subject and the class. Today's topic was about Illustration and the use of it. After class ended, I asked Ms. Ng if I can join the other group's tutorial class. Haha, she asked me, 'You really like Visual, huh?' Of course! Visual is art and art is fun!!!
Anyways, got some characters in mind for tomorrow's Visual assignment which is draw a cartoon character. Of course I'm gonna do anime character not cartoon character...
Joseph - OUT!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
G-Force!!! - 23rd September 2009
Went to GSC Gurney Plaza to watch G-Force late in the evening. Haha...had fun though. Great movie, was hesitating to watch at first but if I didn't watch it, I would have regretted not watching it. A must watch!!!
The movie featured guinea pigs dancing to GaGa's Just Dance, BEP's Boom Boom Paw and I Got A Feeling. LOL! Cracked me up so hard!
Now I feel like getting a guinea pig...Joseph - OUT!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Joseph - OUT!
Bored!!! Damn bored!!! Nothing to do!!! No class = boring!!! Nowhere to go, nobody to go with...
Leia o post completo...Temptation!!!
I went to adjust my spec in Farlim today. Went back to the same shop that I got this current spec. OMG! There's like a WHOLE new line of collection from SUB! They're sooooo cool looking. All black and white with price range from RM200-RM300. Too bad I got this spec in May. Gotta wait till next year...
Joseph - OUT!
Don't Know, Don't Care & Won't Ask anymore...
I am sick of asking out for outing. From now onwards...NO MORE! I will not ask anymore!
Joseph - OUT!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Kumar Oh Qumar...
Just now got 1 child ask the daddy, 'daddy, daddy, that one boy or girl? I said, 'Boy...don't worry, I got both. Mommy & Daddy. You can take also, chocolate strawberry, ok? Pokey!
Ok, I got 1 question. Why is it you can only see my silhoutte? You all not enough light ar? Hoi! Who's the lightning man? Ni Niama Hoi!
Indian girls when you do, on the radio. They very noisy. U go in only, they 'Aiyo! Appa Amma!' What happened??? 'I'm enjoying. Ooh, so noisy you!
Malay girls abit slow, you must beat. Once you go in, you must say 'Ambil kau! Dah bang! Dah ambil'
Some chinese girls, you go in only they like static. The guy might as well go help himself in the mortuary...
Indian girls you don't beat. They very violent. You beat them, they beat you back, kick you take parang chop you make you into curry...
Malay must beat la, ya?
Chinese girls don't beat la, you beat everywhere dislocated!
Angmoh girls you don't have to beat. They beat themselves. 'Yeah, deeper, ride me like a horse!'
And then when you do with indian men, make sure you use glow in the dark. Otherwise once off the light, 'anneh anneh, where are you?' Actually its there...
Then some chinese men, when they are small, you don't laugh at them. Break their ego. Just cut the condom into half.
And malays cannot use. Its against their religion. Just use pandan leaves.
And fashion these days I tell you...
Fat girls please don't wear 2 piece. That's why the world got no world peace. I saw 1 fat girl, she can wear hipster! Where she find her hips I want to know. Can wear white halter-neck. From a distance look like double chin. Then can tattoo Dragon. That was when she was thin, now fat like Earthworm.
I was in CKTen the other day shopping. This UGLY girl came in stress the counter girl. She ask what color suits her. The counter girl said 'Any color la.' If I counter girl, CEMENT your face! Ugly you know. Like keropok not yet fried...
Australians are SO nice. I was at the custom office. They serve with a smile. You go Singapore, you smile at them. They ask you "You smile for what? You tell me now you smile for what? you think I cop and give you 6months ar? 2months la, go in la"
You go into a restaurant in Australia, "Good afternoon Sir, please take a seat, I'll be right back with you in a minute." Singapore? You walk into the restaurant, the waiter stare at you. Then you ask "Where's the menu?" Oh ya, I'm supposed to serve you hor?
Then the food come, no fork and spoon. You ask the waiter, "Where's the cutlery? Huh? No, where's the fork and spoon? YOU MEAN THEY CHANGED THE NAME AR???"
You walk into a Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci store. The sales girl look at you first. Look down on people. One day I angry, I buy 5000 dollar bag, I go to the bank change 10 cent coins come back YOU COUNT! Irritate right?
Everytime the fire work go up, I cry! Not because I patriotic. Because thats my income tax...
Nowdays, everywhere got 'water water' problem. I say 'water water' problem la, cannot say the real name. Anyways, Singapore don't have 'water water' problem because the government signed contract with God. Why got 'water water' problem? Because you all war here, war there. How many you kill? 100? 200?
Let me show you what I can do! Voom-boom-FINISHED!
Actually Singapore should have la, not all Singaporeans. Just the 'water' go in today's parliment and take them away. Then I become President. Then you see all the schools and office, the President and First Lady's picture, it's me la! Before and after drag...
Don't watch Japanese one. What the fellow use? Wasabi ah? The girl halfway can stand up and laugh. What is this? Comedy?
You watch Malay one before? Eh, got! The guy say 'Eh yang, I nak la'-'Abang giler ke? Esok kerja.' Then take the top off then blackout, don't know what happened.
Indian one you can only see shadow...
Angmoh, aiyo I tell you...they can turn your body here, turn there. Put your leg here, put there. Then tomorrow koyok here, koyok there, bedridden. Angmoh they can lick your ear until saliva cover all cannot hear anything. You ask local to lick you ear see. They will ask you "You WASH or not???"
There used to be saying, 'If you give a girl to an American, he will rape the bitch.' 'If you a girl to an African, he will rape her and come back and eat her.' 'If you give a girl to a Singaporean, he will sit at the side and wait for further instruction.'
Joseph - OUT!
While I was working in Gurney Plaza for these 2days, I noticed something very strange. People seem to be producing GIRLS alot. As in children. I've seen families with 4-7 girls. OMG! What happened la???
Joseph - OUT!
I still wanna go out, I still wanna watch movies, I still wanna go to RedBox, I still wanna go shopping and I still wanna go makan makan but I'm still BROKE...
Joseph - OUT!
What an unlucky day for my friends Nelson and Vion.
Nelson smashed me in the afternoon saying he was involved in an accident. His car crashed into someone's door.
Then Vion's handphone was stolen. Someone stole it while she was attending to a customer. She accidentally left her handphone on the table. Luckily the thief didn't have enough time to steal her MacBook.
Chill ya, Nelson & Vion. I love you both! I may not be able to help much but I can be your shoulder to cry on...
Joseph - OUT!
Work oh Work...
Yawn...Saturday was boring. Didn't get any customers. Luckily today (Sunday) I managed to get a customer to sign up for the RM149 Wiggy plan. Kia and Jenson also got their customer. Cool!
Nothing much to post about work. Got few annoying people here and there but hey, thats work...
Joseph - OUT!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Work Oh Work
*Yawn...* boring day today. Worked at Gurney Plaza with Vion & Jenson. Kia & Sin Wah were 'sent' to BJ Complex.
Joseph - OUT!
Friday, September 18, 2009
I wanna go out, I wanna go watch movie, I wanna go RedBox, I wanna go shopping, I wanna go makan makan BUT I'm BROKE...
Joseph - OUT!
Assignments & Projects
Visual Communication Tutorial started at 8am today. Love that class! We had to do our magazine layout for our assignment today. My cover artist was Kate Voegele and also featuring Lenka and Beyonce. There's also a YouTube section featuring VenetianPrincess.After Visual Comm's tutorial class, I went to Youth Park with my Visual Communication's Project group members for some photo shoots. Others tag along also. Vion, Jenson and Ah Meng. More people, more fun, more laughters-Haha!
Then, its back to college for more photo shooting. For our Visual Communication's Project, we have to come up with an original idea to promote Han Chiang College on TV.
Our idea is...*hush hush*
Joseph - OUT!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Naughty, Bitchy Me
I'm not being lansi or mean or whatever but come on, people!!!
If you can't pronounce a certain english word, just shoot! Just say it out loud. Nobody will care if you mispronounce it. That's how you learn to be better in English. If you kept quiet then people will notice it. For example take Rochersberger. If you don't know how to pronounce it, seek help. Don't read halfway and when reach the Rochersberger part, you say R-O-C-H-E-R-S-B-E-R-G-E-R-S. Oh my god!!! For god sake! You come to college to learn so learn!!!
And if a lecturer ask you to read out loud the notes given, just read 'em. Don't go out there and talk and talk trying to give excuses. Don't disturb the class with nonsense as well
Joseph - OUT!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Newsletter team???
Huh??? Mr Aaron, our lecturer for Human Communication stopped me after class today. He asked me about my planned major. I plan to take up Journalism if everything goes well. He ask if there's anybody else in our class who plans to do Journalism. He just wanted to be sure cuz previously when he asked us in class, I was the only the one who wanted to pursue a career in Journalism.
He asked if I would like to join the Newsletter team which he's in charge of. To get an early head start. Guess it's aite. Haha. He asked me to leave my contact so he can pass it to the Newsletter's editor. LOL! Editor is Kia. Well, before he told me that, I ask "It's Kia, right?"-he said you know him? So ok, you contact him then...
We'll see how it goes...
Joseph - OUT!
Dinner at Jenson & Company's!
Class started at 8am today with Human Communication class with Mr. Aaron. He lectured about Verbal Communication and the usage of language today. I enjoyed the class and understood the topic really well. Haha. After that-Microeconomic Horror!!! Boring but have to try to understand. I don't understand a single thing in Microeconomic class.
Vion and the rest went to Little Cottage for lunch. I didn't join. Haha! Broke already...
Nelson dropped me home 'cause his grandmother's place is just about 100m from my house. He usually goes there for lunch in between class break. Had my lunch at home.
Sang along to Hush Hush and Angel till I feel asleep then at 1.30pm Nelson smsed me "How are you? Wanna go college now?" LOL! What a cute way to sms. Hahahaha...
2pm was our Human Communication Tutorial session. Got to learn in detail about Language usage. Great! Class ended at 3.30pm
Went to the canteen to meet up with Kia and pass him some stuff and he passed me some stuff also. Invite him to tag along for a simple dinner at Jenson's place.
And I'm now updating my blog in Jenson's place. Hahaha...
Joseph - OUT!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Hmm...nothing happened today. Nothing interesting happened today. Lots of sampat-ness till TOO much
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Boring Boring Day!
What a boring day! Worked at Gurney Walk for P1 W1max but no sales. Boohoo! At least I've got Vion, Kia and Jenson with me. Hah!
Nothing much happened today. Ooo! Bumped into my ex-classmates from Georgetown Secondary, Kelvin and Edmund. Then bumped into Henry, another friend. Then Hans, also another friend. Hahaha!
Joseph - OUT!
No more Pussycat Dolls???
NOOOOO!!! I need my Pussycat Dolls! Just heard bout the news this morning in Kia's car on the work to work. NOOOOOO!!! Why oh why! I need them! No more tracks for me to do my slutty dance moves....
Joseph - OUT!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Gosh! What should I post? Nothing much happened these past few days. Working for P1 Wimax on weekends. With a very gay themed t-shirt. LOL! My darling is working with me also. Haha-at least it won't be soooo boring.
Oh ya! Had a GREAT + FUN hang out session with Vion, Siew Ee, Nicole & Rachel. Haha! Very fun gals to hang out with!
Joseph - OUT!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The BITCHY side of me!
The troublemaker SuErn unblocked me on MSN few nights ago. The moment she came online she ask me some stuffs and tried to create more drama. Our conversation went like this:
SuErn: Why you angry at me?
Joseph: Because you told Helen that there's rumors saying she's got 5 boyfriends, this and that and then u said I was the cuprit
SuErn: I didn't tell Helen that.
Joseph: You wanna come college, you come and study. If you're not interested in studying, PI BELAH!
SuErn: Ok, if you don't believe me, one day you will cry. You will regret having friends like them.
Joseph: Yaya, I 'trust' you. When you said you were dropping out, we were all damn happy. Now you're back, we're soooooo disturbed...
SuErn: Okok, thank you for being a friend
Joseph: I'm not your friend and I'll never be
Joseph - OUT!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Wednesday 9th September 2009
Attended Communicative English class for fun. Haha, smsed with Kia and chatted with Vion for awhile then slept throughout the class.
Class ended at 11.30am. Vion, Helen and I, we went to Edgecumbe road to hav our lunch. Then Helen wanted to go to Prangin so off we go.
Helen is the best shopping buddy. She goes in, tries on, BUY! LOL! Annie join us for awhile. Helen bought 2 tops, a pair of heels, some beauty stuffs and a necklace. Vion bought a wristband. I bought 1 too.
Joseph - OUT!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Time of My Life! (sort of) LOL!
7th September 2009 - Best day of my life so far! Haha...
Went hiking at Youth Park with 2 lengluis and a drag queen. The lengluis are Sher Lyn and Sin Wah and the drag queen is Kia. LOL! We hike while gossip. Er...not gossip, its sharing. LOL! Hold on, for those who don't know, the 3 of them are my seniors in Han Chiang College. The 2 lengluis are doing PR & Advertising while the drag queen is doing Journalism. After that we went for breakfast at Pulau Tikus market. We laughed ALOT from hiking till breakfast. Even while eating. There was Sin Wah 'naturally' acting cute and Sher Lyn's 'nonsense' and hair flipping scene. Then there's Kia TRYING to act cute. Hahaha...
Reached home at 11am. Listen to Kate Voegele then nap for awhile. Then, went to hang out at Gurney Plaza with Kia and Amanda. Lunched at SegaFredo. Chat and potpet there. After that, we walk around for awhile till dinner time and head to Mizi's Bistro at New World Park for dinner. Then, kaypo there again. Chit chat till 8pm and here I am posting this. Haha!
Thanks alot GIRLS for today! I had fun!
Joseph - OUT!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
This is the first time that I'm excited about working! 'Cause I'll be working with my classmate/close friends so it won't be boring. And next week, darlin' will join us. All up to Vion!
Oops, forgot. Will be working for P1 W1max in Gurney Plaza...
Joseph - OUT!
Group Discussion for Visual Communication Project
Went to Greenlane McD at 7.30pm for a group discussion 'bout our project for Visual Communication subject. Group of 6 but only 3 show up. Daryl, Winnie and Me. Come on ler, be committed! Haih...
Manage to brainstorm a lil bit. We each had our input. We'll see how it goes...
Joseph - OUT!
Kate Voegele!!!
Kate Voegele rocks!!! Credits goes to Kia and Sher Lyn for introducing her music! You guys gotta check her out! Here's what I recommend...
Manhattan From The Sky
You Can't Break A Broken Heart
I Won't Disagree
It's Only Life
Only Fooling Myself
Kindly Unspoken
Going to Greenlane McD to brainstorm for Visual Communication's project. We're to create an advertisement to promote Han Chiang College. We're given 10weeks to complete it. Gotta do it well!
The team consists of Me, Daryl, Winnie, Helen, Soo Lynn and Lee Shien.
Lee Shien calls us the B4H2. B4 for Beauty 4 and H2 for Handsome 2. LMAO!!!
Joseph - OUT!
No problem to fall sick once in awhile but I HATE it when its sore throat! This is the worst sorethroat I've had sooo far! Everytime I talk, its like a needle piercing through my throat...and people thinks that I'm angry 'cause I talk less thanks to the sorethroat. Don't worry guys, the will be back soon-LOL!
Joseph - OUT!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Oh No! She's Back!!!
Oh my holy crap! She's back! Teh SuErn! She was supposed to dropout. Whatever happened??? She came up with a RIDICULOUS excuse that the college won't let her dropout. PLEASE! Ya wanna go, just go. Don't create drama!
Joseph - OUT!
Kaypo Family's Badminton Outing
Classes started at 8am today. Visual Communication class with Ms. Ng. Had fun in the class. Best class ever!
After that went back and sleep till 12.30pm and went back to college to wait for my friends to finish their class. Waited with Kia till 3pm then went to Permata Sports Complex to play badminton for 2hrs.
A very fun outing...should do it again!
Joseph - OUT!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
1st September 2009 - Kaypo-ing...
Fuiyooo, kaypo-ing with Vion and Kia in Gurney Tower's Coffee Bean. Talk 'bout college stuffs, random stuffs, musics, religion, what else...just about anything! FUN kaypo session...
1st September 2009 - Kaypo-ing...
Fuiyooo, kaypo-ing with Vion and Kia in Gurney Tower's Coffee Bean. Talk 'bout college stuffs, random stuffs, musics, religion, what else...just about anything! FUN kaypo session...
Leia o post completo...2008 American Music Awards
I know its like sooo yesterday but I managed to watch the 2008 American Music Awards yesterday night.
Beyonce performed Single Ladies. LOVED it! Her choreography for the song was FABULOUS! Its so, erm...FIERCE! Well, it should be 'cause its from her Sasha Fierce side of her album wherelse Halo is from the Beyonce Knowles side of her album I Am...
After that The Pussycat Dolls performed I Hate This Part and When I Grow Up. Well...the dance routine for I Hate This Part was aite. Same old, it involves only Nicole Scherzinger doing all the singing and the others just dance and do back ups. The mic should be passed on to Melody or Jessica. They both got beautiful voice. When it came to When I Grow Up, its BORING. Why? 'Cause the dance routine for When I Grow Up is ALWAYS the same! Even I can do it but I won't-LOL! Just a lil bit of pole dancing here and arms swinging when it came to the chorus part, Zzz...
Ooooh, Miley Cyrus performed! She did Fly On The Wall! Its was AWESOME! "Don't you wish that you could a fly on the wall? A creepy little sneaky little fly on the wall? All my precious secrets, yeah, you'd know them all Don't you wish that you could be a fly on the wall?" LOL!
Natasha Bedingfield performed as well. She did Unwritten and Pocketful of Sunshine. Great, great songs! Natasha glows on stage. She's gorgeous!
Alot of other artistes performed but these are my favourite. Especially Beyonce's Single Ladies! Come on! All the single ladies! All the single ladies! All the single ladies! All the single ladies! Now put your hands up!
You know you love me...
xoxo - Gossip Boy
Shopping for Clothes!
Got up at 9am today...
Got ready to tag along with Annie for Nehemiah, Hansel & her performance practice. Followed them to Youth Park and watched their practice. They choose to perform Lucky by Jason Mraz featuring Colbie Caillat as their song. It's Lucky by Hansel Mraz featuring Annie Caillat, LOL! Don't have much to say about the practice. They choose a tricky duet song to do. Good luck, guys! After that, they discussed about what they should wear. Came up with the theme of black and white. Maybe just a splash of red? Man! I feel like performing Trouble Is A Friend by Lenka.
Well, I need to get myself a buttoned down long sleeve shirt too. So, I suggested to Annie that we head to Gurney Plaza. Only the 2 of us, though. Nehemiah had to go to church while Hansel's got some dating to do. Took Annie to have a look at her dress first. Went to Nichii, BeBe, Padini Concept Store which covers SEED, PDI and other clothing house. She couldn't find what she wants 'cause she says its not her style. Bumped into Gary on ground floor. He's working at the Olympus booth for the Camera & PC Fair. Jenson joined us later on.
With Jenson in, its time for us GUYS to do some shopping. We both wanna get something semi-formal. We head to FOS. We both tried on a shirt and it looked GREAT! Will KiV (keep in view) it. Didn't bother to go to Reject 'cause the quality there nowdays SUCKS real bad!
After that, Annie said she wanna go to Prangin to have a look at the dresses there. Okie dokie...
Upon reaching Prangin, we head to many many boutiques. I can't even remember the names of the boutiques. Annie tried on 3 dresses in the first boutique. 1 was checkered, then the next was a white and black dress with a lil splash of red with an optional sash. the third one was a black and white dress which made her look like a French maid with the frills at the bottom. Jenson & I told her the first and third dress is a NO NO! KiV the second dress though. Went to few other boutiques. OMG! Annie! Every dress she pick, they are all flowery as in dresses with floral prints! And not to forget, she goes for brown tone. Not earth tone, just plain brown tone...she needs help in dress department! There were like LOTS of moments when Jenson & I were like, Annie! NO! No more floral prints! She insisted on getting a floral dress, THANK GOD we managed to stop her! If she had bought the floral print dress, we really need to call the Fashion Police already. Next boutique! She picked another floral print dress! WTH??!! Time to call for help. We went to get Daryl at his shop. Then we went to several other boutiques. Daryl's reaction to Annie's choice of prints. HAHAHA! We picked out simple, sophisticated and elegant dresses for her and ALL she said "No/not her style/not nice". Adoi! Then there's a line that she kept on using. "I'm too fit". Meaning? The dress is too loose. The comments that Daryl made was hilarious! Which I will not post up. She then took us to a boutique opposite of her working place. OMG! Holy crap! She picked out a dress thats beige on top (thats fine) and has got prints that looked like my grandmother's sarung at the bottom. She seriously needs help! Daryl picked for her a simple black dress, she tried it and she said she's too fit. I even got her colleague to help comment. Her colleague said our choices were good. Annie punya taste...alamak. Took ALOT of energy and persuassion before she finally decides to go back to the VERY FIRST dress she tried out. The black and white with a lil splash of red. We asked her to try it out for Daryl to see. The dress cost RM53 and the sash cost RM10. She thought the sash was FREE. So, she was hesistating till Jenson said he'll pay for the sash 'cause we've helping her to choose her dress from 12pm till 6.30pm. FINALLY!
Well, us guys went to look at some of the clothes they have in Prangin also. Didn't really suit me, Jenson and Daryl. A lil too lala and gay-ish. The gay-ish clothes Jenson kept on saying it suits me. Haha, very funny! Jenson tried out a shirt opposite of PDI. A blue shirt made out of shiny fabric. He's in love with that shirt but he KiV it too 'cause its RM79.90 wherelse the one we tried on at FOS is only RM50. I tried on the bling shirt (that's what I call it). I tried the white one on. It looked DAMN good on me. Haha! I should get more buttoned down shirts instead of plain black tees. I still like the shirt in FOS. Haha! We'll see...
You know you love me...
xoxo - Gossip Boy