I worked with Olympus Camera on day 1 of the fair. By the end of the day I was very sure that the job does not suit me. I'm no salesman for camera. I can't even remember the specs...
Everytime I open my mouth, I uttered "Wimax, Sir?" instead of "Olympus camera, Sir?" So I resigned just after 1day. Of course the superiors weren't too pleased. It is my wrong because I did told them I could work all 3days of the fair but the thing is, when you don't have this "feeling" about a certain job, it just ain't gonna work.
That was Friday. On Saturday, I worked for P1 Wimax. LOL!~with Vion and SinWah. Early in the morning, just after I started to handout flyers, the Olympus' boss (well, sorta) came to see me. Apparently she saw us walking pass her god damn booths. She asked why I quit. I explained to her but let me tell you, she was damn bitchy. Throughout our conversation, all she did was raised her voice. I didn't wanna cause a scene over there so I kept my cool. Otherwise, I would have verbally killed her. She ask me to see the other 'boss' so I went to see her. This 'boss' was nice and all smiles when I explain to her. Unlike a particular bitch.
I felt more at home and comfortable with Wimax. Earlier the bitch asked me why I quit Olympus just after 1day because with Wimax its my first day also. Hahaha, shut up, BiTCH! I've worked with Wimax for 3months already. And the pay was higher. I told her that I feel bad because they are paying me RM80 perday but I couldn't sell any cameras. Well, that was a total lie, I could care less if I could or couldn't sell cameras and I'd still take the pay. My soul ain't that pure and my conscious ain't that holy.
I pass the Olympus booth couple of times, even manage to stop and chat with Gary. The other promoters kept on staring at me (girls). I looked at them and smiled at them and I said, "I know I'm very famous, haha"
I went shopping at the fair on the 3rd day. Yup, wasn't working on that day. And my Wimax boss was so nice, he allowed me to go off on the 3rd day. If it was Olympus, that bitch would have chop off my head though Hell hath no fury like Joseph Pek scorned. My Wimax boss was suddenly SUPER nice so I've decided to let the past be past. Hah...
Got myself a USB Hub, USB Cable, USB LAN Port. I can put USB as my middle name already I guess. LOL! Oooooooo, got an earphone like Kher Shieu's. STEAM oh...buu huik! Haha...
Got some pressie for friends over there too...
Joseph - Am I Turning Into a Gadget Freak?
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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