Throughout this time's semester break, I did something productive at least! Hiking, have fun at the beach...haha! Went hiking with Kher Shieu and Soo Lyn to Monkey Beach. That was last Thursday. Then the following week, Tuesday we went to the Hard Rock Beach but there were jelly fish everywhere so we switched to Tanjung Bungah Beach. Swam there with Soo Lyn and Daryl. Daryl got stung by a jelly fish. The next day which is today, we went hiking AGAiN! The initial plan was to hike up Pantai Kerachut but Anne can't take it so we hiked to Monkey Beach instead. This time, there were Soo Lyn, Anne, Kimberley, Anne's friend and ME! And this time around, I got stung by jelly fish. Haha
Joseph - NOT SO BORiNG
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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