The major that wins me is...
It has been decided. I started with Journalism cuz I like magazines and stuffs like that. Then I almost took the Broadcasting road. Turned away from it, why? Cuz its seriously hard to find jobs with Broadcasting. Plus, this semester is already taxing enough, I don't want the next semester to be day and night shooting and editing and be a zombie. Why not Journalism? I don't see myself sitting in a cubicle and just write...and I don't like being forced to write something that I don't like. for example, political stuffs. I have no interest whatsoever in it. Then why PR & Advertising? People's been saying it has got more opportunity and it opens up more doors. I decided to do PR & Advertising but I'm leaning more towards the Advertising side. I think I have the ideas...haha, we'll see. Plus, I can write and its going to open more doors for me. Hopefully, this is the final and right choice.
Joseph - I'm Tired...
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