The current subject that we're taking requires us to be in a group of 10 people. We've had this 10 people in a group before. It could be disastrous. Anyways, I hope this time would be better. The subject is Mass Media Society & Malaysia. We'll be doing research and reports on the influence of sex and violence. These are my team members.
Hansel - Although we're of different major but we communicate well and he's worthy of the trust given and he doesn't misuse it. Hansel is the comic relieve but at the same time, a good member. If he's in PR, I would group with him for all assignments, uunfortunately he's not. Babi nohhh
Annie - She's a one of those people that you don't have to worry. Give her a job, she gets it done. She's not a last minute person. She's a comic relieve when she WANTS to be. But once you get her to enter gila-mode, there's no stopping her. A very good team member.
Vion - A quick learner and willing to learn. Will do whatever task given. Not much worry on this one. Should be no problem :) Just GRUMPY when HUNGRY
Shyang Haur - See that noob face? Thats Shyang Haur. Very blur and a common steam-case but he listens. Thats the most important part. He willing to learn and change and he proves it. Can do work. Very good in art. Only problem? Can't wake up. I'll make sure he is afraid of me till he won't dare to oversleep.
Helen - This one, we call Siao Lala. Abit dangerous at times because her presentation skill is horrible. Needs alot of improvement. Will try to train her up since she'll be under Annie. She's going to be separated from Vion. Gotta get her to be independent.
Ernie - Another comic relieve in the group. Biggest problem? This guy can SLEEP. He won't even notice his phone ringing. But at least he really does his job when he is ask to. When you wake him up, that is...but Ernie's alright. He can do a very thorough research.
Xin Er - New member to our clique and also to our group. Never group with her before but should be alright I guess. She's very quiet and very scared of Helen molesting her. Hope she can contribute to the team.
Xiao Ting - A very smart girl who is very humble. She's a hidden weapon, LOL! Kidding. She don't need reminder or baby-sitting. A good member to have. First time group with her. Shold be ok.
Lee Shien - First time grouping with her too but Hansel has group with her before. She can work and she's one of those people that will call up and ask about assignment's progress. She was originally from another group. We replaced our original member, Daryl with her.
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