The day finally came. Its was the 9th of October. We, The Mass Communication Society organized a Luau which is also known as a Beach Party. Alot of sweat and hardwork were put into this event. We want everyone to enjoy themselves. The venue was at The Penang Water Sports & Recreational Centre at Tanjung Bungah. The morning started off not too bad with the first ice-breaker game seeing them doing their forfeit :) especially those who thought I was the one they're supposed to look for. We were playing the committee hunt with them, haha. I remember I made them ran up and down the stamp while saying ''Joseph Pek is CUTE!''. running round the volleyball court for a mini 1round, got them to dance a series of SEXY DANCE, Beyonce's famous moves and also pole dance. Hehe, we all HAD FUN! We played The Blanket Game next where a blanket will be covering both teams. Once the blanket is being let go, the first person to say the name of the person infront wins a point for their team. Next we have my game which was The Mashup. I played 3 remixed songs and they had to list down as many songs that they can detect within a time limit.I have no idea who's forfeit was this but it looked silly enough :)
My forfeit, do the Beyonce's infamous dance
My other forfeit, Sexy Dance!
Pole dance by B&K
Best part? Highlight of the day??? When our BELOVED lecturer, Mr. Aaron did Lady Gaga's moves and actions. Mr. Aaron told us after the dance that HE CAN DANCE. Haha! Sure you can, Sir. Just keep telling yourself that :)
I want your loving, I want your revenge...
Ms. Ooi came to support us too. What a bunch of good sporting lecturers. We had fun under the sun, gossiping under the clouds, bitching under the skies and overall fun. Alot of water were being splashed especially when it came to water balloons, hehe...
Cheh, HERO of the day lo!
Hansel had to act RETARD which comes natural for him :)
How old liao, some more act cute. HAHA!
Water Balloon Fight!
Eric: Eh, don't la throw when I referring. Wait la, later.
2 seconds later...
Eric: Ah...now la, now la, now la. Throw la~
After throw...
Eric: Wait la, finish already, I splash all
Finding their clues for The Committee Hunt game :)
Food has arrived!
Banana Cutting Watermelon, AWKWARD!
Kak (E)Leen prepared the food, LOL!
Couple la tu~
And the winners~
1st Prize - Team Caps
2nd Prize - Team Banana
3rd Prize - Team BlueBird
4th Place - Team Sexy Bitch :(
See the cake? Same color like Kamini
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