Once again, I haven't been updating my blog. Well, part of it is that I've been busy. Extremely busy. With final projects, exams coming up and a play to rehearse for English Pronunciation as our final project. Then there's Advertising as well as Desktop Publishing which requires us to use our creative juices. Haha, I love these two subjects. Anyways, everyone is currently juggling these few things in mind, including me. Deadline for final assignments is getting closer, revision, exam and finding accommodation during our internship. Everyone goes in pair. I am going solo :( I've got no one to share room with, no one I know to work together with. Again, its me only.
I am like desperately seeking for a room to rent in either Seksyen 17 or SS2. Because these are the places nearer to the company I'll be interning under which is Freeform media. I'll be in KLue magazine. Guess the hunt continues...
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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