The old me is DEAD & GONE...dead & gone. I am a changed person, for the better or worse? Its up to the audience to decide. Life's like an ongoing show. Whenever the audience gets bored, you change the script a little. I change not because the audience is bored but I AM BORED. Not with my life but with the little dramas surrounding it. This post is not directed particularly to anybody but its just me. I'm not avoiding anyone or being cold to anyone. Its just the new me. I'm busy with my own things. Ain't got no care in the world for all the petty little dramas. What matters the most is...ME! Don't expect me to be as helpful as I was. Being nice and friendly doesn't pay well. It gets you in a hurtful position and being misunderstood only. Life's a bitch so I'm gonna be a bitch as well. Its about time...
I'm sick and tired of people depending on me for information and stuffs like I know everything. Well, I don't and don't ask me to go check it out for you because you yourself can go and check it out.
Joseph - TiME 'N SPACE...
Sunday, February 28, 2010
The Old Me...
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Love Comes Around...
Loving someone is priceless, U don't pick the one U love, U don't choose. It just happens...
Whether U fall in love with another person fast or slow, it all depends. If U've been hurt before, U'd create a wall around your heart to protect it. But if that right person that U can relate to and someone that U just feel comfortable with, there's nothing wrong with falling for that person in few weeks time. If that person is willing to give the chance and if the feelings is reciporated, then it would be nice. But if its not, U'll be left wondering, why? Why not? Something like career or studies or even stability won't get in the way if U really want this. Love won't get in the will motivate U if U take love in a positive way...
Nothing else I can say...
Joseph - Sometimes LOVE Comes Around BUT Sometimes It Just Knocks U Down...
Saturday, February 20, 2010
I got to know this fella...he looks cool and calm and yeng but when I meet him, he's such a MAJOR TURN OFF! He's embarassed to walk, to take public transportation and to be seen in public. What the hell? 18 and so spoiled? He deserves a tight slap! He asked me to take him go to the internet cafe nearby so we walked there. He was complaining all the way there. Have to cross the road and he asked me to stop the cars. CRAZY? Its the main road! My friend came to meet me outside of the cyber cafe and he arrived first. This boy's got the cheek to ask me ask my friend come fetch him go. GO TO HELL la! Embarassed by everything then
Joseph - SO TURNED OFF...
I'm 21! Twenty-One!
I'm already 21 years old so to all the people out there, STOP SAYiNG THAT I'M TOO YOUNG! I'm 21 meaning I'm an ADULT already! You might be older than me but please don't say I'm too young...and there's nothing wrong with being English educated! I'm proud of it. English educated people aren't necessarily lansi or straightforward. WHY YOU PEOPLE only have THAT in mind when it comes to English educated people???
Joseph - 21!
I Didn't STEAL the BOLT! Not ME!
Been wanting to catch Percy Jackson & The Lightning Thief but when I go with my friends, it was sold out. FiNALLY, managed to catch it yesterday. We initially wanted to watch the 10pm screening but as usual, SOLD OUT. Ended up with 12.20am screening. Its a movie that definitely WORTH WATCHiNG! I'd watched it over & over again...if you have knowledge about the Ancient Mythology of the Roman/Greek Gods, then you would enjoy it more. I'm not bragging bout my knowledge but some fools who were seated behind us were like so dumb. When the Minotaur came out, they shouted "Ooohhh...Taurus!" I was thinking in my mind, "What the hell??? You think we're watching movie about The Horoscope? What? The Satyr is Capricorn I supposed? Poseidon would be Pisces? Then Athena? Virgo is it???" Stupid, right? Can't wait for the next installment!The Lightning Thief is the first part of its 5parmt book series. It tells the story of Greek Gods who comes down to Earth once in awhile and fell in love with mortals. The result? Their offsprings that are known as demigod. Half God, Half Mortal. Now, Percy Jackson is the offspring of Poseidon, the God of the Seas and a mortal woman. Up in Mount Olympus, there's a rumble because Zeus' Lightning Bolt's been stolen. The 3 main Gods of the Greeks which are Zeus, Poseidon & Hades, they dislike each other so it would be natural for Zeus to think that one of his brothers are trying to overthrown him. And all blame goes to Percy Jackson, and so Fury, Minotaur were sent to hunt for Percy Jackson by Hades. Hades plans to get the Lightning Bolt for himself to rule over the Gods. As they embark on a quest to retrieve the 3 Pearls of Persephone (Hades' wife), they faced several mythical creatures such as Medusa and Hydra. You see, Percy's mother was abducted to hell by Hades and in exchange for his mother, Hades wants the Lightning Bolt. Long story cut short, they found the pearls and went to Tartarus (Hell) to save Percy's mother. It was Persephone who led them in and helped them escaped. By the way, Hades looks like Diablo in his real form and looks like a Mick Jagger wannabe in his human form, in this movie. After a long journey with his protector, Groover the Satyr and Annabeth, Daughter of Athena The Goddess of Wisdom & Warfare, Percy found the Lightning Bolt hidden in his shield all along. And the shield was given by Luke, Son of Hermes The God of Messenger. Luke's been planning this all this while because he wants the new generation to take over Mount Olympus but he's missing army of demigods. LOL! Anywaysss...Percy managed to get the Lightning Bolt and returned it to Zeus just in time before war break between the Gods of Greek.
Oh ya, apparently The Gate of Tartarus is located behind the Hollywood sign and Mount Olympus is just an elevator away from The Empire State Building. And...and, the movie featured Lady Gaga's Poker Face and Ke$ha's TikTok Hahahaha...
Joseph - The Attention Thief?
Gaia - Titan Goddess of Nature
Gaia was the Mother Earth, born from Chaos, the great void of space. She gave birth without male intervention to Oranos (the sky) and Pontus (the sea), and took Oranos as her mate. Together they produced the Titans and other gods and creatures. After the emasculation of Oranos, she mated with Pontus and protected Zeus prior to his overthrow of the Titans. As the Goddess Mother Earth, she was worshipped as the force behind all things in the world, living and inanimate.
Oranos - Titan God of the Sky
Oranos was the solid dome of the sky and one of the ancient element gods from which all life proceeded. He was the first son of Gaia and became her husband. Together they produced the 12 Titans and other offspring that included the Cyclops. Shocked by some of his hideous offspring, he attempted to hide them deep in the bowels of Gaia, causing her increasingly intense pain. To relieve her suffering, she encouraged her son Kronos to castrate Oranos. Following this emasculation, Oranos separated from Gaia and Kronos took over the Kingdom of Gods.
Kronos - Titan God of Time
The youngest of the Titans, his name meant time. Kronos became King of the Gods after he castrated his father, Oranos, with the help of his mother, Gaia who wished to free her children whom Oranos had imprisoned. Kronos ruled over a time of prosperity known as the Golden Age. Kronos and his wife/sister Rheia produced six children, including Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. Fearing a revolt similar to his own, Kronos attempted to swallow all of his children at their birth, but Zeus avoided that fate and ultimately freed his siblings and banished the Titans to Tartarus.
Rheia - Titan Goddess of Fertility
Rheia was a Titan married to her brother Kronos, by whom she gave birth to Zeus and his sibling gods. By rescuing Zeus from her husband, she set in motion the dethroning of Kronos and the ascendance of Zeus to Olympus. In Asia Minor, she was known as an Earth Goddess and worshiped with orgiastic rites. Her name means flow apparently in reference to female menstruation and ease perhaps in reference to easy childbirth. Following the rise of her son Zeus to status as King of the Gods, she disputed her portion of the world and ended up retreating to the mountains where she surrounded herself with wild creatures. She is usually associated with lions or with a chariot pulled by lions.
Theia - Titan Goddess of Sight
A Titan, Theia was married to her brother Hyperion, by whom she gave birth to three gods: Helios (the sun), Eos (the dawn), and Selene (the moon). She was the goddess of sight. Since the ancient Greeks believed that sight was a beam emitted by the eyes in a manner similar to the sun's rays or the moon's rays, she was thought to endow gold, silver and gems with their luster and beauty. Her children were all associated with light.
Helios - Titan God of the SunThe God of the Sun, he rose from the ocean at dawn to drive his chariot across the sky, carrying the sun and descending at night into the west. He saw all and knew all, and was often called upon by other gods to be a witness. He was the god of the measurement of time, and goddesses of the day, month, seasons and year waited upon him. Two of his mortal lovers were converted into the plant Heliotrope (whose head always turn towards the sun) and frankincense. These plants were sacred to Helios. He is portrayed usually in a chariot with a whip and surrounded by a halo. Animals sacred to him were the rooster and eagle. The great Colossus of Rhodes was built in his honor, as he was married to Rhode, a daughter of Poseidon.
Atlas - Titan God of Brave Thoughts
The son of the Titan Lapetus and the nymph Clymene, Atlas was thought to be King of the legendary Atlantis. His attack on Olympus during a failed attempt by the Titans to overthrow Zeus resulted in being condemned to forever carry the heavens upon his shoulders. He is usually portrayed, however, bearing a globe on his shoulders. He was relieved of his burden temporarily by Hercules during one of the hero's 12 labors, but Atlas was tricked into taking the heavens back onto his shoulders. According to some, he was later released of his burden and make Guardian of the Pillars of Hercules, upon which the heavens were set in his stead, and which also was the gateway to the ocean home of Atlantis. His name has come to mean bearer or endurer.
Oceanus - Titan God of Water
Oceanus was the personification of all oceans, or a great river that flowed in a circle around the Earth. He was a source of all fresh water. In later time, he personified the seas outside the Pillars of Hercules (the Straights of Gibraltar), or what we know today as the Atlantic Ocean. The oldest of the Titans, he fathered other gods who personified all rivers, lakes and ponds with his sister/wife Tethys. Oceanus is portrayed as a horned god with the tail of a serpentine fish. He was not involved in the battle against Kronos in the Titanomachy.
Leto - Goddess of the Unseen
The daughter of Titans Phoebe and Coeus, Leto was known as the Hidden One and her name came to be used for the Moon. She bestowed her qualities of being unnoticed or unobserved upon the beasts of Earth. Her beauty caught the eye of Zeus, however, by whom she gave birth to the twin gods, Artemis and Apollo. This act made her an enemy of Hera, Zeus' wife. She was principally worshiped in Greek Asia Minor, and usually together with her twin children.
Hekate - Titan Goddess of Witchcraft
Hekate was a goddess of the night, ghosts and magic and she was associated with crossroads. A three-faced statue of Hekate, showing a dog, a lion and a mare was placed where three roads met. She was said to appear when the Moon went into eclipse and was accompanied by 2 ghost dogs. From her parents, the Titans Perses and Asteria, she inherited powers over the earth, sea and heavens. Her 3 heads were thought to represent Luna in Heaven, Artemis on Earth and Persephone in the Underworld. She assisted Demeter in her search for Persephone and after their reunion became Persephone's companion in Hades. She is often portrayed carrying 2 torches.
Hyperion - Titan God of ObservationA Titan and god of observation, he fathered Helios (the sun), Eos (the dawn) and Selene (the moon). His name means he who goes before the sun, related possibly to being the father of Helios or the visibility of precedes the sun's approach.
Prometheus - Titan God of Forethought
The son of the Titan Lapetus, Prometheus was born a mortal. He shaped humankind out of water and clay and Athena breathed life into the form. After siding with Zeus against the Titans, he tricked the King of the Gods into taking animal bones sacrifices, leaving the good meat for humans. In spite, Zeus removes fire from the world, bringing great suffering to all. To relieve the people he had created, Prometheus stole fire from the Sun and gave it back to the world. In retaliation, a furious Zeus sentenced Prometheus to be chained to a rock for 30,000 years, while an eagle daily tore out his liver (which grew back each night). By giving warning to Zeus of a prophecy of his downfall, he won a reprieve and was allowed to trade his mortality to Chiron (doomed to an eternity of agony) and thereafter joined the immortals on Olympus.
Oh gosh, I'm turning into a nerd?
Zeus - Ruler of Olympus
The youngest son of the Titans Kronos and Rheia. He was hidden by his mother when Kronos learned of the prophecy that one of his sons would supplant him as rulers of the world. When fully grown, Zeus forced his father to regurgitate his other children that he had swallowed, and then Zeus led a revolt against the Titans, who were banished to Tartarus. Below even the Underworld. Zeus and his two brothers drew lots to decide each god's part of the world. Zeus drew the heavens and supreme rule over all the gods and humankind. Zeus was always considered a weather god, with lightning, thunder, rain and thunderstorms attributed to him. Later he became associated with justice and the law. He could shape- shift, taking the shape of any object or living thing, and he used this ability in his seduction. Although he took his sister Hera as his wife, he seduced many other goddesses and mortal women, siring many children who became prominent in Greek mythology. There were many statues created in Zeus?honor, the most magnificent being the colossal statue of Zeus at Olympia, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. The Olympic games were held originally in his honor.
Poseidon - God of the Sea
The third son of Kronos and the brother of Zeus and Hades, he drew the seas as his domain to rule. He was known also as the god of earthquake and the god of horses. The symbols most often associated with Poseidon were the trident and dolphin. Sailors relied upon him for favorable winds and safe voyages, but he was moody. Despite sacrifices including drowned horses, he could cause storms, bad winds and earthquakes at a whim. Like Zeus, he projected his power and masculinity on women, fathering many children. In a famous contest between himself and Athena to decide which of the two would be the patron god of Athens, he threw a spear into the ground to create the Spring of the Acropolis. Athena surpassed him, however, by creating the olive tree. He often used water and earthquakes to exact revenge, but could be cooperative as well. He greatly aided the Greeks in the Trojan War, but took years of revenge on Odysseus, who had harmed one of Poseidon's Cyclops offspring.
Hades - Lord of the Underworld
The brother of Zeus, Hades drew the Underworld as his to rule when the Titans were overthrown and banished to Tartarus. He shared rule of the Underworld with Persephone, whom he had abducted from above. Although required to release her, she was tricked and forced to remain with him. Hades sat on an ebony throne and wore a helmet that made him invisible. There he ruled the dead and accepted those newly arrived from above. Hermes brought the souls of the dead to the River Styx where Charon, the ferryman, carried them across. The three-headed watchdog, Cerberus, prevented any escape. Most souls remained on the empty Plain of Asphodel. A lucky few of extraordinary merit went on to the blessed islands of Elysium. The unlucky were sentenced to unending torment further down in Tartarus. In rare instances, Hades allowed living mortals such as Odysseus, to enter the Underworld and then leave again. Even more rarely did Hades free the dead to return to the living. He was the richest of the gods possessing all the mineral wealth in the Earth.
Hera - Goddess of Home
The Goddess of Marriage and Birth and Queen of Olympus, she was both the wife and sister of Zeus. She is usually seen with a scepter, a diadem and a peacock. Hera was very vain. She bore Zeus many children including Ares, but also was tested by his incessant infidelity. She punished her rivals and their offspring, and even Zeus feared her wrath at times. She represented the ideal of married womanhood being beautiful, stately and very clever.
Athena - Goddess of Wisdom & Warfare
The goddess of wisdom, crafts, justice and war, she is often associated with a shield for war, the owl for wisdom, or the olive tree. When Athena and Poseidon vied to be the patron of a prominent city, they held a contest to see who could give the city the finest gift. Poseidon provided a well, but it produced salty water. Athena gave the olive tree that provided food, oil and wood. The city took the name Athens. Athena had a prominent role in Homer's epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey, serving as Odysseus?patron throughout his long voyage. In addition to sponsoring warriors and heroes, she introduced many skills necessary for civilization. In an unusual but not unique birth, she sprang from Zeus?head fully grown and ready for battle. Legends say that Zeus had prevented a normal birth of a son with Athena's abilities, which he feared would unseat him. Although she was a protector of human heroes, she maintained a distance from male gods whom she perhaps found unworthy of her. Athena's companion was Nike, the goddess of victory.
Aphrodite - Goddess of Love & Beauty
The Goddess of Love and Beauty, her name derives from the word for sea foam. In one story, she was born when Kronos the Titan was castrated and his genitals were thrown into the ocean. The sea began to roil and from the foam, Aphrodite took shape. In contrast, Homer says she was the daughter of Zeus and Dione. Regardless of her ancestry, she was beautiful beyond words.Seeking Olympian tranquility, Zeus gave Aphrodite in marriage to hard-working and reliableHephaestus. With his metal working skills, he fashioned for her wonderful jewels, including a golden magical girdle. The combination of her personal charms and her jewels made her irresistible. She took advantage of her gifts, loving glamour and flirting and was not particularly happy with a dirty, boring husband. She took many lovers, including Adonis and bore several children, including Eros. The festival of Aphrodisiac was celebrated especially in Athens and Corinth. Coupling with her priestesses was a form of Aphrodite worship.
Ares - God of Battle & Slaughter
The Greek god of war, he is usually seen with a spear, the preferred weapon of Greek Hoplites. He was tall and handsome, but vain and cruel. He was preoccupied with war and battles, quick to rush into a fight, reveled in bloodshed, and heedless of who won or lost. He was worshipped most strongly in regions like Thrace, where the people were particularly fierce. There was one exception to his obsession with war: he was smitten by Aphrodite and had a long running affair with her. Homer recounts in the Odyssey a tale of the sun god, Helios spotting the pair enjoying each other's charms and reporting their tryst to Hephaestus, Aphrodite's husband. The great smith fashioned a special net in which he caught the pair locked in their passionate embrace. He offered to exhibit the netted pair to the gods of Olympus, but the women demurred. Homer says that many of the male gods offered to switch places with Ares
Apollo - God of the Sun & Music
The god of music, archery, medicine, colonization, herbs and divination, he represents many of the better qualities of humankind, including order, intelligence, rationalization and an appreciation for the finer things. He could cause or cure the plague. He established the Oracle at Delphi and perhaps the city of Troy. He is often perceived as the perfect male. Apollo and his twin sister Artemis were fathered by Zeus and born of the Titan Leto, necessarily incurring the wrath of Zeus?wife Hera, who did all she could to prevent the twins from being born. Apollo was also well known for his love affairs with beautiful mortals of both sexes, including among them Calliope, Coronis and Daphne. Apollo's Oracle at Delphi was well known throughout the Mediterranean. Apollo is closely associated with the sun, or at least with Helios, the Greek sun god.
Artemis - Goddess of the Hunt & Nature
The goddess of the hunt and the protector of children, she is often seen with her bow and with wild animals, or wandering in the woods accompanied by nymphs. She and her twin brother, Apollo, were children of Zeus and the Titan Leto. Artemis was said to be aloof and free spirited, free of husband and home and forever a virgin. She exacts complete and deadly retribution for those who transgressed against the gods or herself. She turned the hunter Acteon into a stag that was torn apart by his own hunting dogs, all for accidentally seeing her bathing. She was also believe to be responsible for the deaths of women in childbirth.
Hermes - God of Messengers
The Messenger of the Gods, Hermes wore a winged cap and winged shoes. He presided over shepherds, trade, land travel, literature, athletics, oratory and even thieving -- any activity requiring agility. He is the epitome of peace as he prefers to work out problems with talks rather than war. He was known for his cunning and shrewdness and as the inventor of the lyre, the flute and the pan-pipes. He is credited with the invention of foot racing, wrestling and boxing. He guided the souls of the dead to the Underworld. In early accounts, he's a patron of fertility or luck. Later he was associated with roads. Road markers, called herms, bore a representation of Hermes. Similar markers outside home warded off evil. He used his ingenuity to save heroes on several occasions, including Odysseus twice.
Dionysus - God of Wine & Celebration
The god of wine, the theater, agriculture, the fertility of nature and mysteries, he is usually seen with grape vines, ivy or a panther. Unlike most Greek gods, who are normally portrayed as bright creatures of the light, Dionysus is mysterious and shadowy. His followers revel in mad behavior, drunkenness and death. Because of his differences, Dionysus may have been a melding of Greek and Asian attributes.
He was the patron of the Maenads, wild women who worshipped him and roamed the mountains shouting and hunting wild animals. He was also the patron of mystery cults, of which we know very little today. The greatest mystery associated with Dionysus is that at one point he was believed slain, but then reborn, a very unusual circumstance for an immortal god.
Hephaestus - God of the Forge & Labor
The god of fire, volcanoes, blacksmiths and metal working, he had a strong following in the cities where his skills were important to commerce in war. He is usually seen with an axe. In one account, he sided with his mother, Hera against Zeus who threw him so far that he fell all day and limped thereafter. Hephaestus was associated with Mt. Etna on the island of Sicily. In his workshop, he fashioned many wondrous things for the gods, including thunderbolts for Zeus, Athena's shield, arrows for Eros and the chariot with which Helios the sun god rode across sky. He also helped create the first human woman from clay, named Pandora, who released the evils of the world on humankind from her magic box which is now known as Pandora's Box.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Make-Up + Women...
Make-up does wonders...
Not only it covers up your flaws around your face, it can also help with cleavage. LOL! - I didn't try it, its something I watched on the Rachael Ray Show...
We all know that women have been using make-ups to enchance their beauty, cover up those freckles, pigmentation spots, blackheads etc. Well, some men are using them secretly as well...The most essential make-up for every women, Foundation. Not only does it helps blend your skin tone, it can also help with your breast cleavage. Haha, sounds funny but its true! I was watching The Rachael Ray Show today and they were 2 women, one complains of not having any cleavage (she refers them as the Grand Canyon cuz its wide and flat) while the other complains of having TOO much cleavage (she said that its like her boobs were water balloons smashed together). So, what was the solution? Beauty expert, Gretta who also happened to be a make-up expert/hair salon owner use very basic stuffs. Foundation! For the no-cleavage, she got her cleavage just by wearing the right size of bra and applying 2 different tone of foundation. That creates the 'valley' in between and wa-lah! You have cleavage! As for the too much cleavage, same thing, choosing the right size of bra and applying foundation thats 2 tone lighter than your skin and BYE-BYE extra cleavage! LOL!...women! Oh ya! For women with big boobies, if you wanna reduce the size to the public's eyes, try wearing black tops cuz we all know black makes you look slimmer...thats all-
Joseph - TALK SHOW? LOL!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The Sudden Fascination with Adam Lambert
Adam Lambert, Adam Lambert...
Everytime I listen to For Your Entertainment, I get turned on. LOL! I don't know why, I pay ALOT of attention to that song's lyric.
Then, when I listen to What Do You Want From Me? I get emo...
Jo$eph Lambert!
I Know Myself The BEST! Get iT? THE BEST!
I know what I do, I know who I am and what I am. Just because I hang with this person more doesn't mean I have a so called CRUSH on this person. Don't make assumptions and tell this person till this person avoid me. I don't have CRUSH or whatever shit, I just enjoy this person's companionship. Thats all! Somebody who I can relate to, somebody I can click. Friends can sometimes ruin friend's friendship. Yes, twisted but thats the fact...
Joseph - I AM ME!
Making Love...
Sex - Love is Just Plain Boring SEX
Sex + Love is Making LOVE
Doing it with your loved one is more fulfilling than doing it with random strangers such as One Night Stands...
With a loved one you will feel like you're on top of the world. You feel more erm...high?
LOL! I don't know, I just thought of this out of nowhere...
Joseph - SEX TALK...
Friday, February 12, 2010
CNY + Valentine = Depression
It is the worst combination EVER! Having to go through Chinese New Year and Valentine on the same day?! On one hand you're happy about CNY but on the other for those who are attached, you don't get to spend time with your loved ones. As for the singles, you are left with bittersweet feeling. You'll enjoy CNY but you'll be left emo about having no one for Valentine also. Take for example, ME...
Joseph - ...
Valentine's Day was replaced with The Wolfman. Haha! Talk about 'romantic'...
There is no cure once a man is bitten by the beast...The Wolfman is a simple story of a man being turned into a werewolf but this version of werewolf is anything but cool's how it goes...
Man named Lawrence Talbot came back to England after the death of his brother who was mauled by a 'beast'. After investigating here and there, found out the beast and chased after the 'beast'. The 'beast' bit him and now he has the marking of the 'beast'. After awhile, the 'beast' was revealed as a werewolf or better known in this movie, a Wolfman. After alot of torturing and evolving scene, we learned that there's actually Wolfman Senior and Wolfman Junior. You see, Wolfman Junior is Lawrence while Wolfman Senior is the father. Looks like the Talbot family is cursed and damned. Anyways, Wolfman Junior is set on killing Wolfman Senior becuz Wolfman Senior killed Wolfman Junior's mother and brother. Wolfman Junior's love interest, Gwen, upon finding out the truth, starts to do research on Lycanthropy and stumble upon Ancient Gypsy Lore. She was told that she would either condemned or set 'him' free.
At the other scene, Wolfman Senior and Wolfman Junior is battling it out against each other with claws and fangs. There were scratching and biting here and there. Wolfman Junior looks like he's lost the battle until he kick Wolfman Senior into the fire place and poof he's on fire. Wolfman Junior then mauled his head off. Its so funny when the battle go on forever and ever but with one kick, the battle ends. Gwen walks in and saw Lawrence as Wolfman Junior. Ran off into the forest but not before Wolfman Junior bites the hell out of the inspector who was put on this 'strange' case. Wolfman Junior chases after Gwen and Gwen called out to the human inside of Wolfman Junior. After he realize its Gwen, he tamed down and bang! Gwen shoots him with a silver bullet. Setting him free, I suppose. End of story...
Remember the inspector? He was bitten but he's still alive which means he bears The Beast's marking now...
Teenagers' CNY
Our 'small' group had a gathering in advance for Chinese New Year at Northam Beach Cafe. There were lots of lame jokes included and poor Helen was getting shoot most of the time. Haha...
The 'small' group include Vion, Helen, Winnie, Soo Lyn, Ah Muk, Adam, Wei Ching, Kenny, Hooi Woon, Yson, Felix, Meng & his girlfriend...
I found my LAMEST joke so far!!! Here it is...
Helen: Why the fish 'n chips so dry?
Joseph: Because...its not swimming...
HAHAHA! Lame, right? Winnie almost spit out her soup. Haha!
After dinner, we went to GSC Gurney to watch Valentine's Day but it was full so we ended up watching The Wolfman. You'll see my review RiGHT after this post!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
I seriously don't get it...
Presentation, ya that word. PRESENTATiON
Its not that I'm very good at it but why is it presentations are always so boring in my batch? some are entertaining but some are seriously just dead boring. I could sleep through the presentation. Come on, get those information that you're supposed to present into your head. Don't just read direct from your laptop. Reading from the screen once in awhile would be better. You gotta give the audience the confidence and make them believe what you are presenting. I know I'm mean and bitchy by saying this but its the fact. Not neccessary have to be super long and whiny. Just important facts will do. You still have your hard copy, right?
Oh, one more thing! MY GAWD! I can't stand the pronunciation! Seriously, really horrible English pronunciation. Horrible! I don't understand a single thing. Its like there's fluid in their mouth and all the words are jumbled up into a foreign language. Even Spanish makes more sense...
Sorry if anyone 'terasa'...
According To You...
According to you...
I'm stupid, I'm useless...
I can't do anything right...
According to you...
I'm moody, I'm restless...
Forever changing my mind...
I Shouldn't...
I shouldn't have trusted you with my secret. I shouldn't have done so...
I thought it'd be alright but it turns out the other way around...
Now I've got like a bullseye on my forehead for you to shoot...
I did not make a big deal about your secret...
Just when you shoot too much, I use it to counter back to you...
I'm sorry if you're dissapointed...
I'm dissapointed too...
Joseph - What ELSE Can I Say?
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
What Should I Name This Post?
Lets that happened in my life this week-
Monday - Dad's stupid old car broke down AGAiN! So I had to tumpang Siew Ee's brand new MyVi. Went to Malaysian Study class and sat with Siew Ee and Nicole. We crap alot, diss people, sang Adam Lambert's What Do You Want From Me out loud. Did the Valentine Sales thingy for our Mass Comm Society together with Anne, Eleen, Eric and Kimberley. Our chocolates were a hit and unfortunately we ran out of stock so we decided to sell teddy bears instead. We went to the supplier's and get some teddy bears and some neat gauze bag to pack it. After that, I went 'shopping' with Siew Ee, Shi Yee and the ever gay, Dwayne. Why 'shopping' with inverted comma? Becuz I was the only one shopping. They sit outside and wait while I browse around. Swt...I shop with mom also more exciting. The shopping mood was washed off so decided to go back early. Oh ya, we 'shopped' at Queensbay Mall. At night, went to Gurney Plaza with Kher Shieu. Got my RED belt and a very nice grafiti print tee at FOS. Went home feeling satisfied.
Tuesday - Carpool with Kher Shieu to college but she woke up late ending in college at 11.15am and the stupid old lecturer already took attendance for Malaysian Studies. Which means I was marked as absent! Damn it! Our Valentine Sales was still on. We sold cute Couple Bears for lovebirds. Haha, then Anne and I went to Drama & Dance's welcoming party where we had to dance and act. Our team got 2nd place. Thats cool! I especially love our sketch. It was original and out of the box! Dwayne said wanna go Abu at town area at night. Later that night I ask if plan still on, turns out he's going Sunset with Siew Ee. Didn't invite me, FiNE! Whatever! Went to Hard Rock Hotel to camwhore with Kher Shieu instead! When Dwayne found out we're in Hard Rock, he said he wanna come with Siew Ee. I was like 'for what? Sorry, you're not invited'. I know! Damn mean but I don't give a damn...
Wednesday - Today! Third day of our Valentine Sales. We took the remaining Teddy Bears around and persuade lecturers and admin staffs to buy. Manage to sell it to Ms. Tan from Exam Department, Mr. Chum of Students' Affair and Mr. Bryan Soh, our favourite IT lecturer. We're still looking for Ms. Ooi! Hunting her down to get her to buy the last bag! Hehe...had Teen Frequency meeting to brief the members about the activities of the club. Now? updating my good ol' bloggy...
Joseph - ADAM LAMBERT is #1!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Hey...slow it down
What do you want from me?
What do you want from me?Adam Lambert is sooo cool! I wasn't a fan in the beginning but now? I'm slowly growing fond of his music. I started as a Kris Allen fan but like his single, Live Like We're Dying, he is dying (musically). His songs are so depressing...
Adam Lambert is different! He is cool with his super tall hair! Looks good with them down too. Great performer, great voice and great control of his voice. My favourite has got to be What Do You Want From Me and For Your Entertainment
There might have been a time
I would give myself away
Once upon a time
I didn't give a damn
But now here we are
So what do you want from me
What do you want from me
Just don't give up
I'm workin' it out
Please don't give in
I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, what do you want from me
What do you want from me
Joseph - SO WHAT iF HE's GAY?!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Mr. Kelsen Loh!
Mr. Kelsen Loh Kar Sang! You! SWT! What la...
Our semester with you is over already. Why la won't you approve our add in Facebook? Zzz...
Grrr....!!! There's no rule or restriction that says lecturers can't have students in their Facebook account. What secrets you have in your Facebook? *grin*
Mr. Kelsen Loh Kar Sang! We'll be waiting!!!
1 Word! BORED!
ARGH! I'm so damn bored working in Gurney. I sat till my bum sore, till my thighs sore, till I almost fell asleep. There's like practically NOTHiNG to do! OMG! What I do to kill time? Go up and down to visit Lee Ming who's working at lvl3. Thank God, Dwayne aka BongFace is working in Switch and Siew Ee is coming. SOOOO BORiNG!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
It is soooo damn boring here in Gurney Plaza! This is the very first time that I find Gurney Plaza so damn boring and its like soooooo stressful to be sitting here working. Sitting at the P1 Wimax booth. Oh my god! There's life walking pass me but I feel so lifeless...
Somebody help me. Some more the working hour is 10am-10pm. OH MY GOD! Help ME!!!
Joseph - DYiNG of BOREDOM
The Arthurian Legend is so fascinating. Its so mythical and aww-inspiring. Merlin, Arthur, Morgana, Guinevere and other characters that gave shape to the Arthurian Legend that we know today. Was is real or just a myth? Who know? What I know is its great and its addictive...
Fans of the legend gets to know more detail about each character. For instance, Morgana's transition from good to evil and also she had a half sister by the name of Morgause...
Merlin also happens to be a DragonLord...
From Britnnie to McKey
Been watching America's Next Top Model Cycle 11 recently. 1 thing's for sure! McKey totally deserve the title. she's consistent and her pictures are high fashion. Perfect bone structure, height, beautiful face, great poses, knows her signature pose and a great sense of style. Style is not something you see everyday, some models may look good on photoshoot or runway but in real life, they dress like a disaster. McKey's portfolio is great. To date, she's the only ANTM winner who has never been at the bottom two. McKey is my favourite! Go McKey! McKey~ with legs that go on forever...
Thursday, February 4, 2010
All these drama in college, its straining my brain. Insignificant people who come and find fault with me, gossip bout me, think its wrong for me to be myself. Unworthy of my attention and yet they crave for my attention. These people will only stunt my growth. Don't they have anything to do? Stop putting words in my mouth, how long till you get your own life and stop stepping into mine? GET A LiFE PEOPLE!
Joseph - BLAH!~