Lets see...events that happened in my life this week-
Monday - Dad's stupid old car broke down AGAiN! So I had to tumpang Siew Ee's brand new MyVi. Went to Malaysian Study class and sat with Siew Ee and Nicole. We crap alot, diss people, sang Adam Lambert's What Do You Want From Me out loud. Did the Valentine Sales thingy for our Mass Comm Society together with Anne, Eleen, Eric and Kimberley. Our chocolates were a hit and unfortunately we ran out of stock so we decided to sell teddy bears instead. We went to the supplier's and get some teddy bears and some neat gauze bag to pack it. After that, I went 'shopping' with Siew Ee, Shi Yee and the ever gay, Dwayne. Why 'shopping' with inverted comma? Becuz I was the only one shopping. They sit outside and wait while I browse around. Swt...I shop with mom also more exciting. The shopping mood was washed off so decided to go back early. Oh ya, we 'shopped' at Queensbay Mall. At night, went to Gurney Plaza with Kher Shieu. Got my RED belt and a very nice grafiti print tee at FOS. Went home feeling satisfied.
Tuesday - Carpool with Kher Shieu to college but she woke up late ending in college at 11.15am and the stupid old lecturer already took attendance for Malaysian Studies. Which means I was marked as absent! Damn it! Our Valentine Sales was still on. We sold cute Couple Bears for lovebirds. Haha, then Anne and I went to Drama & Dance's welcoming party where we had to dance and act. Our team got 2nd place. Thats cool! I especially love our sketch. It was original and out of the box! Dwayne said wanna go Abu at town area at night. Later that night I ask if plan still on, turns out he's going Sunset with Siew Ee. Didn't invite me, FiNE! Whatever! Went to Hard Rock Hotel to camwhore with Kher Shieu instead! When Dwayne found out we're in Hard Rock, he said he wanna come with Siew Ee. I was like 'for what? Sorry, you're not invited'. I know! Damn mean but I don't give a damn...
Wednesday - Today! Third day of our Valentine Sales. We took the remaining Teddy Bears around and persuade lecturers and admin staffs to buy. Manage to sell it to Ms. Tan from Exam Department, Mr. Chum of Students' Affair and Mr. Bryan Soh, our favourite IT lecturer. We're still looking for Ms. Ooi! Hunting her down to get her to buy the last bag! Hehe...had Teen Frequency meeting to brief the members about the activities of the club. Now? updating my good ol' bloggy...
Joseph - ADAM LAMBERT is #1!
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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