Make-up does wonders...
Not only it covers up your flaws around your face, it can also help with cleavage. LOL! - I didn't try it, its something I watched on the Rachael Ray Show...
We all know that women have been using make-ups to enchance their beauty, cover up those freckles, pigmentation spots, blackheads etc. Well, some men are using them secretly as well...The most essential make-up for every women, Foundation. Not only does it helps blend your skin tone, it can also help with your breast cleavage. Haha, sounds funny but its true! I was watching The Rachael Ray Show today and they were 2 women, one complains of not having any cleavage (she refers them as the Grand Canyon cuz its wide and flat) while the other complains of having TOO much cleavage (she said that its like her boobs were water balloons smashed together). So, what was the solution? Beauty expert, Gretta who also happened to be a make-up expert/hair salon owner use very basic stuffs. Foundation! For the no-cleavage, she got her cleavage just by wearing the right size of bra and applying 2 different tone of foundation. That creates the 'valley' in between and wa-lah! You have cleavage! As for the too much cleavage, same thing, choosing the right size of bra and applying foundation thats 2 tone lighter than your skin and BYE-BYE extra cleavage! LOL!...women! Oh ya! For women with big boobies, if you wanna reduce the size to the public's eyes, try wearing black tops cuz we all know black makes you look slimmer...thats all-
Joseph - TALK SHOW? LOL!
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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