Its 2011! One more year till THE END OF THE WORLD! Lol, kidding lar~ takkan want so emo meh! Haha...
Its a new year, new beginnings, new adventures, new horizons awaits. LOL! Macam old medieval stories pulak. Anyways, what has 2010 brought me, Joseph Pek?
2010 for me was a bittersweet year. Well, every year is but this particular year is memorable. I found love and lost love yet again. Made lots of new friends and realized that my social skills ain't that bad. Patched up cracked friendships, realized true friends and fake ones. Gotten closer to few friends. Know who I will keep in my life. Found another love and yet lost it again. Lost faith in love and relationship. Went through a very hard, depressing and emo process and to top that off, a death of a loved one, my Dad. Dad, I love you and I don't get to say that enough. It is weird not having you around for the first time for new year. Never got to say my last goodbye to you. I hope to see you someday but not so soon because I want to do you PROUD.
Why haven't I learn my lesson? Always get involve in messy relationships and end up getting burned myself. All these has ''burned'' my faith. 2010, throughout the quarter end of the year, I realized that I am influential and famous in my own ways and rights. I am beginning to accept the one thing that people always say. That I will be SOMEBODY, someday. I will.
To my dogs, Jimmie, Whitey, Cera and Wyra, I haven't been able to spend as much time as I used to with you girls and boy because I've been busy with my studies. I hope to spend more time with you lovelies soon.
Jimmie, always waiting behind the doors for me whenever I'm out and wait till I go to bed only go into the bedroom to sleep, otherwise you would sleep on the mat at the door.
Cera, you sleep before I sleep but you pretend to wake up late. You would wait till I wake up only you come out of the bedroom.
Whitey, you like to imitate ambulance's siren. You would scream out your lungs everytime I am home, naughty boy.
Wyra, new addition and you wouldn't come near us until your owner dumped you and realized our home is the only place you have. You really settle in well. You would sleep next to Cera, Jimmie or Whitey everyday. Play with them and get along really well with them. Don't be so naughty and provoke the neighbor's dog, kay.
Friends, I made alot of friends after college began. Lost a few but gain back a few. Those I did not put the effort to patch back, don't deserve to be in my life because you would only TAiNT it. To Annie, Anne, Hansel & Soo Lyn, THANK YOU for being by my side through thick and thin. Especially Annie and Anne. You Double As, haha! Hansel, you'll always be my baby~ NOLA! Kidding, I don't want you to be my baby also! Too bimbo! On a serious note, I am glad we're close friends, Hansel.
This year's BiRTHDAY was extra special and meaningful because it stretch a whole week. Thanks to Soo Lyn for the celebration in KL, Annie, Anne and Hansel for the celebration back in Penang, Jesmine for ANOTHER celebration back in Penang and Lee Wen, Suet Ling and Joan for ANOTHER celebration. And most of these celebration was in RedBox, LOL! They might as well make me RedBox's ambassador. Thanks for all the wishes too ^^
I need to learn to be tougher, to be more harden of emotional stuffs. To learn not to trust so easily. I always say I'm a bitch, I'm a bitch but I'm a NiCE BiTCH, lol! Other bitches that are really bitches, I do not care. Just don't come near me and pollute my air. the words of the Wise and Gray Anne Peterson, "Joseph Pek! MOTHERBiTCH!" Anne and Annie! I REALLY Love you both like my little sisters. I don't wanna ever see you both get hurt. Hansel Khoo! Don't always say you're hurt ah. Bullshit nia!
What else is 2010? Haha, so much more but not that important. One thing about 2010 that really sticks and stays in my mind is WHAT GREAT friends I HAVE! Stay with me throughout my LiFE, please! Hahaha...
And now, all that's left is my TRAiNiNG. Freeform Media, ARE YOU READY FOR ME? Well, I'm not. LOL! Scared! Something like those people get COLDFEET before their wedding, LOL!
Nitez, everyone! Will post on 2011 soon ^^
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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