Miley, Miley, Miley...
Sweet ol' Miley from Nashville, Tennessee
Trying too hard to be a grown up?
Look at my goodies~
Miley Cyrus born Destiny Hope Cyrus. There's no ''Hope'' left for you...Miley Slut Cyrus, perhaps. Each time her publicist or someone clears her name from the whole nude pics, there will be another one or two that surface up. Best part, all self-taken. Look at the angle, its cam-whoring.See! I'm wearing a GREEN COLORED BRA! Its like soooo eco-friendly
At the recent AMA Awards, Miley was in this dress that made her look like toilet rolls stuck on her heels/back. Miley's choices of outfits hasn't been the right ones lately. One thing about Miley is that she likes something that shows her busts. To flaunt 'em, I guess.
I went to the loo and I stepped on the...
You get the best of both worlds, mix it all together and you know that you get the best of both worlds - Hannah Montana, Best Of Both Worlds
You get the best of my boobs, take a picture of myself and you know that my name is Miley Slut Cyrus - Joseph Pek, Best Of Miley Cyrus
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