Visual Comm tutorial...yippee! I like the class but not the assignment today. First ever assignment that I dislike. All this while, I enjoy Visual's assignment. involved color circle, mixing this color and that color. I was too lazy to mix all these colors so I just go ahead with the ready mixed poster color. I'm not very good with water colors and poster colors. My artworks normally involves pen and color pencils.
We went to the canteen after class ended. Hang with Nelson, Meng, Annie and Jenson for awhile. Then Siew Ee joined us. Before that, I was just talking nonsense and crap with her 'cause her class was just beside our class. Anyways, when she joined us in canteen, we talked more nonsenses and craps. Then we decided to go to Gurney Plaza with Winnie and Helen. Siew Ee & Jenson join us too. We went to Popular 'cause Winnie wanted to get some stationeries. Then we went to Manila Place for lunch. WTH??? Overpriced food!
Then followed Jenson back to his place to do some research. I just got a fresh idea for Human Communication project all thanks to Siew Ee.
Joseph - OUT!
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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