I still remember...he was the first person that I got to know during Orientation Day. He asked a bunch of us if we're working while studying the following day. We answered him truthfully and told him where we'll be working. Then I ask him if he's working too. He said 'Yeah, I'll be working with my uncle who's a lecturer in Broadcasting.' Hahahaha! If you're uncle is teaching Broadcasting, why not go to the college that your uncle is teaching?
Next boasting incident was when we were applying for the PTPTN loan. I asked if he's applying too. He said his uncle is sponsoring his studies. Then I found out from another close friend that he told her his church is sponsoring his studies. Which is which? Hahaha...GET IT STRAIGHT! Even gays are not that complicated!
Next was when we were in the canteen. It was me, him, Vion, Vicky & Kia. Both Kia and I was saying that Broadcasting in Malaysia is abit slow. It will take about 5-10years to be where you want to be.
He said no problem for him because he'll be going to New Zealand once he graduate 'cause his uncle over there has got some stuff going on. Hahaha...er, why not go New Zealand now since your uncle is a 'BIG CABLE' there?
Joseph - OUT!
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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