What a boring day! No class day. I was so damn bored. I woke up at 9am but went back to sleep at 11.30am. Re-woke up (don't even know if such word existed) at 3pm and still bored. Smsed a few friends just to bug 'em. Then my colleague Tony from P1 Wimax called and said he's bored 'cause there's no one in Tesco. So, I told him I'll drop by to say 'Hi'. Went there at 7pm. He left Tesco to get modems for the booth. So I went round Tesco. See see he came back while I was loitering in Tesco. When I came back, he went off to go do demo pulak...stayed there till 10pm then went back home. Bought myself a new pencil case and a brand new water bottle which says We Love Water! Cool...
Reached home, got a call from the fabulous Siew Ee. She started the conversation by asking me what I'm doing. And for some unknown reason I felt like a kid and told her "I got myself a brand new pencil case and a water bottle!!!" She pulak said I bought one of those Barbie bottle. So I play along and said it even has buttons where you push it to open the lid and push again to close the lid. Then there's straw inside. Oh my gawd!!! It was hilarious. Our conversation went on for like 1 hour and it involves LOTS of laughters and us singing like frogs on phone. Then there's her story and my story...my GAWD! The only reason we hung up was because both of our phone's battery went dead. HAHAHA!
Then I went to bed...hahaha
Joseph - OUT!
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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