First of all, before anyone misunderstand this post...I'm not directing this post particularly to anybody. Its just something that I have in my mind.
Been listening to Amy Studt's Misfit recently and been paying alot of attention to the lyrics. Seriously, people can be so fake at times. so so superficial. I just don't get it. Whats wrong with being yourself? You don't have to suit another person to be likeable. I'm not like that so I think that makes me a misfit? To all the people who are real to yourself and others, CHEERS to the MiSFiTS!
To the rest, stop being superficial. Its only plastic and plastic melts. You may cover up your flaws with foundation and make ups but it will eventually crack. Be an individualist not a follower.
Joseph - I Don't Know...Just Feel Like POSTiNG This UP
Thursday, January 28, 2010
You're Superficial, I'm a Misfit...
Legion = Lame
After shopping with Joanne and Natasha, I went to watch Legion with my friends. Man, got a call from the every gay Dwayne to go Batu Feringghi night market but his call came in too late, bought the tickets already!
Anyways...this is my opinion about Legion...
(Read on for pure entertainment purposes - TRUST ME! You'll enjoy my post more than the movie)
Its true what people said about Legion. It SUCKS BiG TiME! Not only is it a waste of money and time, its a disgrace to the Bible. Turns out Angels can bleed, did you know that? And their wings are not in white, they're in black! Oooo...Angels or Fallen Angels? Apparently, Angels can possess people too, just like Demons. Just because God lost faith in humanity doesn't mean Angels get to go on a killing spree. I forgot to mention, the Angels' wings are like blades, they can cut through body you know? And isn't God supposed to be everything loving and caring? But he decide to send Angels down to kill humans by chopping them, bitting them into half and the worse having someone killed and filled the corpse with acid inside and luring people to think that that person is still alive and burst the corpse with acid splattered everywhere! God have MERCY?Oh ya! God (in Legion) apparently loves to kill old ladies and children. He send his first 'messenger' in the form of an old lady with walking stick. She's Gladys and she eats raw meat infested with flies. GREAT! She then bites people's neck into half and jump around ceilings. God forced the people to shoot innocent citizens who were 'possessed' by Angels. Then there's the 2 main Angels in the movie. Michael and Gabriel. Aren't all Angels supposed to be good? Turns out Michael is good, Gabriel hungers to please the Lord himself. At the beginning of the movie, Michael even cut off his wings. What an idiot, if I've got wings, I'd keep them forever. Wait a minute...the Angels that was instilled in our mind was of heavenly being clad in white robes with white wings but in Legion, they are in heavy steel suit with black razor blade wings. Oh, they are armed with swords, mace, daggers etc. What? People versus Angels? Not to forget 'THE PROPHECY"...
When 'the child' is born, humanity will have a chance again...BULLSHiT! There are babies born into the world every minute, why this child? Speechless! Then a pregnant woman can run around with guns and ammos? She can even get dragged by Angel Zombies (thats what I call them) and survive the pregnancy? Once she delivered, she can still run around like a skinny bitch...she could even scale mountains to reach to the top and have the least scratches of the whole bunch. She carried her child and stood on top of a dusty mountain, all this right after she had her baby? not to forget to survived a car accident where the car turtled over and she was hodling her child?! Moms are strong but not that strong...then there's the guy whom Michael entrusted with 'scripture tattoos'. I was expecting him to grow white wings but no wings came out. LAME! What was the 'scripture tattoos' for then? Free Tattoo?
I could go on forever about the movie but lets just end it here...
Joseph - I WANT WiNGS!
The Meeting of the Jo(s)
After class today, Natasha drag me along with her for lunch and shopping. She introduced me to a new friend, a senior, Joanne. My gawd! This woman...she had burgundy hair, red shoes on, red polo tee and purple eye lashes. LOL! She's definitely in a Chinese New Year mood. We went to Nando's for lunch. We had a blast there, talking crap and all...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
DooDoo Gaga~

Sunday, January 24, 2010
The L Word
Why is it so hard to stay in love in a relationship? Isn't love all about accepting each other's good and bad? Isn't it about compromising? Why do you have to see only the negative sides and refrain from improving things? Things won't move forward if we don't work it out...
Building a wall around your heart when you were the one who wanted to commit in the first place. Its not easy to ask somebody who's madly in love with you to suddenly erase those feelings. Communication plays a key role in a relationship, if you won't communicate, how will things improve?
I am tired, physically and emotionally. I don't deserve you being mean and harsh on me. Lovers treat each other special, more than friends, treat each other way better than friends. I'm always in second place, or last place amongst other things. All the things you said, about giving second chances and never mean it. You were just playing along. How can a human being be so cold, cruel and mean??? All thoughts about you being the right one was wrong. I was wrong...
I am for who I am. My friends can accept me for who I am but you can't. What does that prove? That love is just a game to you? You have your passion and I have mine. Whats wrong if MUSiC happens to be my passion? I don't bad mouth your passion. You enjoy photography, I love photography as well, its just I love MUSiC more. I don't have those flashy cameras to show my love for photography. There's nothing wrong with me loving Lady Gaga. I have my rights to choose who I listen to. Things are so obvious even though you deny it. You ask me to understand your situation and all but did you ever tried putting yourself in my place? I have to be the one who's understanding about your stuffs but you're not and you said I'm not understanding. You criticize everything I do, I see no flaw in you but you see the flaws in me like its written on my face. Now I'm beginning to feel empty...
Me & my heart, we got issues...
Don't know if I should hate you or miss you...
Damn I wish that I could resist you...
Can't decide if I should leave you or kiss you...
Me & my heart, we got issues...
We got issues...
Joseph - LOVE is DEAD!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Sounds so exciting, so ghastly, so ghostly and all but turns out its so damn freaking boring and tiring just to watch the entire movie. Throughout the movie, you see the couple going through 21 sleepless nights. And the wife is possessed, she vibrates at the edge of the bed looking at her husband. Then on the 21st night, she kill her husband, throw her husband to the cam-coder and she mauled the cam-coder. THE END!
Very nice right? Very exciting, very scary! Definitely "recommend" it to EVERYONE! This is what happen when demons are too shy. You don't even get to see the demon's face not like in Drag Me To Hell. Then the footprints are so obvious that its a Lamia, a demon in the form of an overgrown goat. Zzz...the whole time watching the movie, my mind was on shopping.
Joseph - Going PARANORMAL Myself!
What The F***?!
What happened? I bumped into a peeping Tom in Gurney's toilet. Yeah! Of all people, ME! I was doing my own little business in the cubicle when suddenly I see this knuckle on the floor. I didn't pay any attention cuz I thought he was looking for something. Then few seconds later, I saw two knuckles on the floor and I saw his head's shadow approaching, so I got myself equipped with the pipe and my hands ready to turn on the water pressure. The moment I see his head trying to peep, thats it! I flush the hell out of him! Asshole!
If you're gay, go find someone to fuck. There's plenty of gays in Gurney and QueensBay. No need to peep in toilet!
Joseph - I Feel ViOLATED
Hello Gossip Session!
Well, the day started kinda boring and sleepy. I dragged my lazy bum outta the bed and got ready for college. The ever boring Malaysian Studies class where the lecturer just go on and on rambling about history stuffs and he doesn't pause. He laugh at his own lame joke, he talk and listens to himself only when all of us are dying of his speech. Out of nowhere we were called to go to the Multi-Purpose Hall because apparently some director came to our college. Some local chinese movie called Woohoo! YUP, silly name for a silly movie. Don't get me wrong, its not that I don't support, just its really lame. I mean, who names a movie Woohoo? And for people to call it, it sounds real silly. Anyways, I escaped from the session and went to the canteen where I crap with Siew Ee.
After that we decided to go Gurney's GSC to watch Paranormal Activities with Kher Shieu and her BF. Paranormal Activities turns out to be no activitiy. You'll read about my opinion on the movie later on. Be prepared. After the movie, we stick our butt on the Coffee Bean's couch and we crap about others none stop. From the past to the present. We crapped about the infamous Ethan Teng and his 'model-esque' behavior. We talked about fashion victims, my god-lalalala...
We finally got our butt off at 9.30pm. The gossip doesn't stop there~
Joseph - You Know You Heart Me
Sunday, January 17, 2010
A Lil' Bit of Update-
Same old, same old~ thinking of dropping Multimedia elective. Its very very challenging when you don't know the basic.
Had lunch at Winter Warmers with the girls last Thursday, got our damn annoying assignment. I went to Gurney Plaza for some window shopping and ended up with alot of camwhoring session in the fitting room. I wanna shop! But I'm too BROKE! Somebody save me!
Oh ya, in between all that - there were love problems here and there by friends...
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Stressing and Taxing Day...
Got assignment for Multimedia class already. Deadline? Tomorrow. WTF??? Need to do research about definitions according to 2 authors named Tay Vaughn and Shumans. Oh ya, by the way...the lecturer couldn't find anything on Shumans as well but she ask us to find...
Got assignment for Malaysian Studies too. Typical historical stuff. B-O-R-i-N-G! *Yawn~*
What to do...its a LAN subject. LAN subject alright, real LAN...
Such a rush for assignment during short semester...dang!
Joseph - TiRED!
Red Day!
Yeah! Its Red Day! Haha...dine-in at Kenny Rogers wearing Red comes with free quarter chicken meal. Went with my friends. We hang around Queensbay for awhile then head to K.Rogers. Thank god there wasn't a queue but half an hour later during dinner time, the queue was like holycow! And everyone was wearing RED! Its like one of those red firecracker use during Chinese New Year! Zzz...
I visited Brands Outlet but boo-hoo, they don't have any new graphic tees. Boring...
We became nerds and went to Borders to 'improve' our knowledge. 1 was at Fashion corner, 1 was at Movies corner and the other was at Self Improvement corner. LOL! Kher Shieu left after day so me and my friend went to Prangin in search of Lomo Camera...haha
Found nothing though I got myself a cuff at I.S.O.S and I'm loving it!
Head home at 9pm++ and reached home at 10pm. Was dead tired...
Upon reaching home, I uploaded photos taken to my computer and did some editing to get it ready to be uploaded to Facebook! Then ended my night by watching SmallVille Season8 till fall asleep. Zzz...
Joseph - HAD FUN!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
College, College Cool!
This is the second day! Was really confused as in which class to attend. Anyways, went for Malaysian Studies, signed attendance then was called by the Marketing lecturer to attend Marketing class so that he can change the time/schedule according to our timetable. Good lecturer, haha...
Finally, after a bunch this time cannot, that time cannot...the others finally settled on a more flexible time, phew! But its not confirmed yet until tomorrow, hopefully the timing is okayyy...
After class ended, Kher Shieu managed to scout for another elective which was Elements of Multimedia, ok-take lar...hahaha
I know I might sound crazy but I just wanna keep my mind off things and keep myself busy!
Joseph - OUT!
P1's RedBox Night Out!
Yup, yup! Its the P1 Wimax family day out. Just the guys! There were Tony, Keong, Chen Sin, Keat, Nic, Kang & Myself. We went from 11pm-3am. The funny thing was when we arrive at Gurney Plaza, we took the elevator down to B1, we ended up at the food court kitchen which was obviously closed so we took the elevator up to G level. We head to the exit beside Versace, that was locked too. Next was the basement entrance to RedBox, turns out it was locked too!!! In the end we head out using Gurney Plaza's main entrance which was super near compared to other exits. Hahaha! I laughed my head off! LOL! We were so silly...
Anyways, we sang our lungs out. There were mixtures of English songs (from me) and Chinese songs. And my god! Kang can't sing! Hahahahaha, he sounded like a cat dying. LOL! We took lots of pictures too! Hehehe...
Oh ya! I got to do Keri Hilson's Knock You Down, LOVE iT!
Joseph - Lalalala...
Back to College!
Jan11! That was the date where college re-open. Went bout 8.45am cuz the briefing was at 9.30am. Hang and chat with my friends for awhile in canteen. At the same time, we check our timetable and subjects that we are taking for this short semester. Turns out I only have to take the ultimately boring Malaysian Studies. B-O-R-i-N-G! I was kinda excited to take Marketing but later found out during briefing that the time clashes with Malaysian Studies. What a bummer!
With that in mind, me and my gang-LOL! went to the School of Business and see our 'favorite' lecturer Mr. Chin who's the head of the business school to ask if its possible to change the time. That fella as usual proove to be no use. Funny thing was, the lecturer teaching Marketing was just beside us and he ask us to attend the class and see if other students agree to change the time or not. Went home feeling sleepy...
Joseph - YET TO FiNiSH...
Sunday, January 10, 2010
College! I MiSS YOU!!! iLY
Finally! The sem break is coming to an end. Today is the last day! Back to classes. YAY! Gonna join with seniors for classes this time around. See ya, SiewEe, Natasha, Nicole-T, Nicole, Kamini, Ethan and Anne! And sooooo happy to see back my classmates!
Hong Siew Ee! 1 last day left! Its the FiNAL COUNTDOWN!
Joseph - XCiTED!
Swimming Around Coffee Island...
Had my haircut in the morning and then head to Gurney Drive's Coffee Island for a meet and catch up session with my gooooood classmates, Vion, Winnie & Soo Lyn. Ernie joined us later on. My GOD! He cut his hair! Toooo short, Ernie! Anyways, we discussed a little bout upcoming events for the Mass Comm Society. A charity event to be precise.
After the chit chat was over, Winnie and Vion wanted to go for a massage. Ok lo~~tag along then. Spent 2hours waiting for them. Haha! I went to get my glasses fixed cuz I made 'em at a nearby optometrist.
After that, we went to college to check our results. I managed to pass my Micro but barely. Damn! My Micro's grade pulled my CGPA down! =.=... I got As for other 5 subjects though. Haih...
Micro, any subjects that involves calculating is soooo not my topic.
Joseph - Satisfied NOT Happy...
RedBox - Gaga Me!
Natasha picked me up at 4pm and we head to her house with Peik See for some snacks (pizzas, fries, all in all, fast food). We chat and watch some music videos at her house then we head to Gurney Plaza at 5.45pm for our RedBox session!
We went for the buffet dinner session from 6pm-10pm. Haha, screw the buffet! Time to sing our lungs out! First choice? Paparazzi! Because the MV is so damn freaking long with Gaga making out with the guy. Of course after that, has to be Bad Romance, followed up with Just Dance! Too bad they don't have Speechless and Beautiful, Dirty, Rich...>.< Did alot of other songs, not only Gaga. Peik See did a few chinese number and she joined with me for a few english number. Natasha was hesitating to sing but we managed to get her to sing! Well, I was there "For Their Entertainment", hehe...they got to see Gaga moves...
Oh, oh! I did Keri Hilson's Knock You Down. Man, I love that song!
Joseph - Lalalala
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Me + U = Relationship a.k.a Committment
Loving someone is easy, staying faithful is easy but maintaning the relationship is not easy. Like one of my close friend's post, I myself wonder how is it that married couples can stay married for so long. I'm sure there are quarrels and bickering. How is it they still love eachother despite all the flaws. Young loves like us teenagers are fragile. We quarrel abit, we think of breaking up. We find certain flaws in eachother, we start to think of breaking up. Why not we try and change ourself for the better? Not change yourself completely but if the change is for a better future, why not? Everyone looks for their dream man/dream girl. Well, here's a reality check...Dream Man/Dream Girl don't fall from heaven. Every boy and girl has to work hard to achieve the status of dream man/dream girl. Its not easy.
Its those little things that make us go all "awwww..." Its takes 2 to tango meaning both parties have to put effort in the relationship. It can't just be one person doing all the talking, smsing, caring and loving while the other is busy doing his/her own stuff. No matter how busy you are, once you've committed yourself in a relationship, its your part to put some effort into it. Seriously, if you don't get to see eachother, sms plays a vital part in improving a relationship. How hard can it be to sms?
Smses from eachother may seem unimportant but when you get sms from your loved one, it brightens up your whole day. Yeah, cliche but its TRUE. Haven't you wished that each time your phone rings that its your loved one's sms or phone call? I know you have...
Maybe I'm childish when it comes to love but this is just my opinion. Its not about "Oh, you're not what I thought you would be so let's break it off". Everyone learns and change for the better as they grow. If only one person is doing all the work, that person will grow tired eventually while the other will just fall out of love...Take this into consideration...
"Young love, full of hope and fantasy. Ignorant of the reality" - I do not agree with this quote because no matter how young a love may be, its not of fantasy. YES! It's full of hope. Who doesn't put hopes in a relationship? Everybody hope that the person that they are with is the person that they will eventually spend the rest of their life with. The reality is we gotta work for love. Love will find its way to you but its up to you to maintain it.
Joseph - I LOVE YOU!
Monday, January 4, 2010
The Sleeper's House...
Was so freaking bored today...
Vion and I chatted like for an hour and half for the past 2 problem, hehehe...lalala
I'm so lazy to post about love right now...
Anyways, Peik See asked for my help in regards to her assignment. Peik See is a senior who has graduated and currently doing her degree through USQ. Went there and help out with her group assignment then went online for couple of hours. I managed to GaGafied her. I influenced her to be a GaGa's Little Monster just like ME! Gagagaga...
She's into GaGa right now. We watch Lady GaGa's Live! performance on YouTube and we were in awwww....
After that, I went for dinner with my P1 Wimax colleagues, Tony and KK and updating my bloggy right now right here in Tesco with somebody named Kent beside me staring at my bloggy...toodles!
Joseph - I'm iN LOVE WiTH GAGA!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
GaGa-Oo Lalala...
Countdown to 2010...
Spent it at Queensbay area. There was a concert thingy and P1 was there. Chatted with colleagues and we got ourself place at the ViP area. Vion, Helen, her BF, Winnie, her BF and ME! Here are some pictures...
Leia o post completo...
DVD Galore...
Countdown to 2010...
Spent a night at Sri Sayang apartment for Winnie's birthday. Bout 10 of us. Winnie, her BF, Vion, Helen, her BF Kean Leong, Daryl, Meng, Ernie and ME!. We had steamboat then headed to Batu Feringghi's Night Market. Here are the pictures from the B'day...
Friday, January 1, 2010
Welcome 2010 - You better not be shitty like 2009!
Welcome to my world 2010. I hope you will bring me joy and success.
Despite my positiveness, 2010 started as a bummer which was today. Don't wanna talk bout it but hope things get better.
Joseph - New Year, Old Year? I DON'T CARE
2009...Bye-Bye! Never Come Back!
The shitty year of 2009 is GONE! Good riddance. Byeeeeeee...don't ever come back.
What has happened in 2009...
-enrolled in Han Chiang College for a Diploma programme in Mass Communication
-gain new friends
-lost some of the new friends
-celebrated lots of birthdays (friends' not mine)
-stressed over exam (burned midnight oil)
-entered second part of first semester...(ya, it sounds stupid)
-got to know even more friends
-got to know few nice lecturers
-gained more confidence about myself
-went Genting Highlands with closest bunch of classmates
-found out true friends over 'friends'
-had a 'blog-fight' with a certain classmate
-realized I have heavier responsibilities
-broke some friendship
-gained a new friend who's a true friend
-celebrated birthday with old friends
-love found me
-hated Christmas (no more Christmas for me)
-emo throughout Christmas
-celebrated classmate's birthday
-ended 2009 with 3 gorgeous classmates who are like sisters to me ( love you girls, Vion, Helen & Winnie!)
2009 for me was a mix of good and bad but I'm glad all of this happened...
Joseph - Bye 2009!