Well, the day started kinda boring and sleepy. I dragged my lazy bum outta the bed and got ready for college. The ever boring Malaysian Studies class where the lecturer just go on and on rambling about history stuffs and he doesn't pause. He laugh at his own lame joke, he talk and listens to himself only when all of us are dying of his speech. Out of nowhere we were called to go to the Multi-Purpose Hall because apparently some director came to our college. Some local chinese movie called Woohoo! YUP, silly name for a silly movie. Don't get me wrong, its not that I don't support, just its really lame. I mean, who names a movie Woohoo? And for people to call it, it sounds real silly. Anyways, I escaped from the session and went to the canteen where I crap with Siew Ee.
After that we decided to go Gurney's GSC to watch Paranormal Activities with Kher Shieu and her BF. Paranormal Activities turns out to be no activitiy. You'll read about my opinion on the movie later on. Be prepared. After the movie, we stick our butt on the Coffee Bean's couch and we crap about others none stop. From the past to the present. We crapped about the infamous Ethan Teng and his 'model-esque' behavior. We talked about fashion victims, my god-lalalala...
We finally got our butt off at 9.30pm. The gossip doesn't stop there~
Joseph - You Know You Heart Me
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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