Had my haircut in the morning and then head to Gurney Drive's Coffee Island for a meet and catch up session with my gooooood classmates, Vion, Winnie & Soo Lyn. Ernie joined us later on. My GOD! He cut his hair! Toooo short, Ernie! Anyways, we discussed a little bout upcoming events for the Mass Comm Society. A charity event to be precise.
After the chit chat was over, Winnie and Vion wanted to go for a massage. Ok lo~~tag along then. Spent 2hours waiting for them. Haha! I went to get my glasses fixed cuz I made 'em at a nearby optometrist.
After that, we went to college to check our results. I managed to pass my Micro but barely. Damn! My Micro's grade pulled my CGPA down! =.=... I got As for other 5 subjects though. Haih...
Micro, any subjects that involves calculating is soooo not my topic.
Joseph - Satisfied NOT Happy...
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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