Why is it so hard to stay in love in a relationship? Isn't love all about accepting each other's good and bad? Isn't it about compromising? Why do you have to see only the negative sides and refrain from improving things? Things won't move forward if we don't work it out...
Building a wall around your heart when you were the one who wanted to commit in the first place. Its not easy to ask somebody who's madly in love with you to suddenly erase those feelings. Communication plays a key role in a relationship, if you won't communicate, how will things improve?
I am tired, physically and emotionally. I don't deserve you being mean and harsh on me. Lovers treat each other special, more than friends, treat each other way better than friends. I'm always in second place, or last place amongst other things. All the things you said, about giving second chances and all...you never mean it. You were just playing along. How can a human being be so cold, cruel and mean??? All thoughts about you being the right one was wrong. I was wrong...
I am for who I am. My friends can accept me for who I am but you can't. What does that prove? That love is just a game to you? You have your passion and I have mine. Whats wrong if MUSiC happens to be my passion? I don't bad mouth your passion. You enjoy photography, I love photography as well, its just I love MUSiC more. I don't have those flashy cameras to show my love for photography. There's nothing wrong with me loving Lady Gaga. I have my rights to choose who I listen to. Things are so obvious even though you deny it. You ask me to understand your situation and all but did you ever tried putting yourself in my place? I have to be the one who's understanding about your stuffs but you're not and you said I'm not understanding. You criticize everything I do, I see no flaw in you but you see the flaws in me like its written on my face. Now I'm beginning to feel empty...
Me & my heart, we got issues...
Don't know if I should hate you or miss you...
Damn I wish that I could resist you...
Can't decide if I should leave you or kiss you...
Me & my heart, we got issues...
We got issues...
Joseph - LOVE is DEAD!
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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