Just for the public's information, PLU stands for People Like Us. That is the term that WE use to refer to other GAYS. Being gay is a lifestyle. It is not something that is forced out of us. We don't feel disgusted by it nor do we feel that we offended others. So, please don't make the gay lifestyle sounds and seems so disgusting. Its not much different from a straight and 'normal' lifestyle. The only difference is, both party are men. People are actually more open-minded nowadays. They can accept this quirk of society. But then, don't try to tell us what is right and what is wrong. That, being GAY is wrong. That we have gone astray and needs to be lead back to the right path. What proof have you that being GAY is wrong? It is just your own mindset.
Being GAY doesn't mean we are PONDANS or AQUAS. And those are horrible words to use to describe someone thats different that you. Yes, there are few types of GAYS. There's the straight-acting type, the more feminine type, the type that likes to cross-dress etc. Whatever it is, we are still human beings. If you call us 'abnormal', guess what? We have 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 mouth, 1 nose just like you do. And we, GAYS are actually very nice and friendly people. Even the drag queens. They are extremely friendly. For the straight, they would say ''Of course they're nice and friendly cuz they're interested in you ma...''. Are you sure? Do you think your market value so high? Being friendly and being flirty are 2 different things.Don't stereotype people who have different lifestyle than yours. It is still a lifestyle, whether you accept it oor not, its solely up to you. Gays make great friends for both the guys and the girls. Gay men wear clothes nicer than normal working men. Meaning they can provide GREAT fashion advise for them. The girls, we totally understand whatever situation you girls go through night and day.
I hate it the most when people go ''Ewww, gays...'' What have we done to get that kind of insult? Are like freak of nature? Just because you had bad experience with gays doesn't mean we're all the same...
Hey, look at the positive side, we leave more girls for you...
Jo$eph - GAY iS A LiFESTYLE...
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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