PC FAiR is here! Gosh! There's so many things that I want to get but pokaii! Manage to get earphone, an external webcam and most importantly, an external hard disk! Went around and survey every single stall. Went from Buffalo (NOT GOOD!), Hitachi, Western Digital, Seagate, FreeAgent, Trek, Imation and Kingmax. Finally settle for Kingmax's. 500GB for a very reasonable price. So much more worth it than normal days.
My PWETTY External Hard Disk
Best part of PC FAiR? Bumping into people you know. Even long lost friends. I was so happy today! Bumped into Cindy, a long long friend of mine. Know her since kingdergarden. Separated during primary then secondary same school again, till she moved. And now, found her back on Facebook like 2days ago and she tapped me at PC FAiR, she was working for some AntiVirus company. Haha...then bumped into Kenneth Yeoh, a primary school friend from St. Xaviers. Man, I still remember the times. He's a year younger than me and I always have this big brother act around him. Not bully, but jaga ah! Haha...
Other than that, there's also college friends, looks like Han Chiang owns Mois and PC FAiR, haha! Han Chiang people are EVERYWHERE! LOL! Its a good thing I guess...
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