LOL! Yeah, this is not a BlackBerry as the title suggest. This is my new phone, its the Nokia E63. My beloved phone, the Nokia 5310 XpressMusic went dead recently. Everytime I switch it on, it switches off by itself. Sent it for repair to save money, was told that the phone's software has been hacked and to repair it would cost RM500. Might as well I get a new phone. Browse around and got a good price for this little baby that I have grew to love. Wasn't good at using it at first but I've gotten use to it. The text messaging is pretty easy. Funny part was I only realized its a business phone when a friend of mine ask where are the games located. Then I noticed that there are NO games, LOL! Although I still haven't found where some stuffs are located in my phone but I love this phone, blekk...

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