The original plan after work was to hang out and drink. That was Ken's plan but wasn't confirmed 100%. There was dilly dally here and there so last last, I suggested we go for a movie. A late night movie. Set! Ken, Daryl, Reena and myself. We went to GSC, Gurney after work. There were only 2 new movies out. Avatar The Last Airbender and Tekken. We went for Avatar: The Last Airbender. I've followed the cartoon and the book so its not really surprising whatever happens in the movie but I know I'll enjoy it.

The movie was abit off. First of all, The Avatar who's the Last Airbender in their world, is a white kid. He's supposed to be an Asian. Then there's Katara and Sokka who's supposed to be Asians too. Katara is a Waterbender while Sokka, her brother is a warrior. Imagine the names Katara and Sokka and you see white people playing the part. The name already sound Japanese. Then there's Prince Zuko from the Fire Nation. A Firebender, of course. He is played by...wait for it, wait for it by the Indian dude from Slumdog Millionaire! And you see all the Fire Nation's people go by chinese name like Zhao, Iroh, Ozai but they are played by Punjabis and Indians, LOL! ''And I think to myself, WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD...'' Oh, there's Princess Yue who's life was shared with The Spirit Of The Moon. And she's played by a white also. LOL! Gone la, gone...
This is only the first installment. At the beginning of the movie, it tells you that this story is from Book One: Water. Obviously, according to the elements, there are 4 elements meaning 4 books meaning 4 installment. I wonder what they gonna name the other 3 installment.
Book One: Water - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Book Two: Air - Avatar: The Legend Of Aang
Book Three: Earth - Avatar: The Master Of Elements
Book Four: Fire - Avatar: The Final Battle
Haha, is it possible? These are only my prediction. The movie was alright la. Enjoyable. At least, they did include Appa and Momo, Aang's pet. I would watch it again for the sake of me loving these kind of fantasy world stuff. The movie was quite long and I had to TAHAN all the while. The moment the movie finish, I ran to ''WATERBEND'' if you know what I mean...
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