Woke up really late today. I woke up at 12pm! Haha, thats a record! Got sms from Hansel saying we're going to Shang Wu Primary School's Food Fair later. Wait for his signal then got ready. We went to Anne' place and park there because its just opposite.
The food fair was alright but the KiDS! Oh my god! So damn freaking annoying. Feel like wanna smash them, throw them into the dustbin. They have pet exhibition at the Food Fair also. There was this kid who was using a stick and poking the hamster and the organizers and the person in charge of the booth weren't doing anything. I got so pissed that I ask the kid, ''U like if I do that to you?'' Then he walked off. Stupid kids with idiotic parents who didn't teach them about animal awareness. These parents just buy pets for their kids without even considering if the kids knows how to take care of the animal or not. Damn BODOH.
Anyways, the place was boring. We went over to next door for awhile to check out my old school. St. Xaviers primary. Awww...the memories. Next stop? Anne drag us to her house and we met THE MOM. Lol! Anne's mom is sooo nice and friendly. We took some pictures over there and chat and gossip about people and things. Hehe. We gossip about one person only and if you ask me, that person DESERVES all the gossip. Hansel was EXCEPTiONALLY polite and not so much of nonsense came out from him. But he is really a bimbo-wannabe, haha. Hansel, Hansel. He took the mosquito racket and shocked himself, haha. Bodoh kan babi ni nohhhh...
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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