Its Friday and its Visual Assignment Day! LOL! For this week's assignment, we had to write an article about ourself or family members. Gosh, its soooo perasan...
Anyways, I wrote about myself and bout my best friends( you know who you are...).
After class, where did I go...
Oh ya! Haha...sorry 'bout the memory lost there...
I hang at college till 11am 'cause Daryl wanted to discuss about our Visual Communication's project. Then at 11.30am I went to Prangin with Annie to watch Jennifer's Body 'cause I have a free pass to watch it. Unfortunately, Prangin's Cathay Cinema ain't screening Jennifer's Body. Damn them! We opted for Ninja instead...
After Ninja, I planned to go to GSC Gurney to watch Jennifer's Body but it was too last minute, none of my friends could join me...
So I went home and SLEEP!
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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