What are assignments?
They are a form of practice to help you in your studies. Assignments show you how much you understand the subjects that you are taking. It tells you your understanding about the topics taught. If there's no assignment, only lectures alllll the wouldn't know how much you've learned. I don't think that by listening to lectures only and then proceed onto exam is a good idea. Assignments are not enemies. They are friends. Even if you sucked at it, you will know where you did wrong. Next time, you can improve.
Don't fret over assignments. If you feel that its taxing, finish it early then you get to rest early too. Don't wait till last minute. College is full of assignments. Its up to us whether we want to view it positively or negatively.
Joseph - CRAPPiNG OUT!
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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