Fwensss...I can't live without 'em. I can live without the internet, I can live without my overloaded wardrobe and such but I cannot live without friends! They meant the world to me. Why am I posting this at 5.41am in the morning? Because I can't sleep! So, I decided to do some so called soul searching and I realized I really like to be around my friends. I enjoy being with them even if its just plain sitting and chit chatting. Just their presence make me feel so ALIVE. I go to college like say, 10-20minutes early before class starts and I'd be looking for my friends if they're in the canteen, otherwise I wouldn't step into the canteen.
If none of my close friends attend class in college and I'm all alone, I'm a different person all together. I'd be really quiet with no lame jokes whatsoever. Why am I like that? "Only Child Syndrome" perhaps???
Anyways, to all my friends...I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
Joseph - SLEEPLESS...
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