The day has come...
The day for Visual Communication Project's Presentation. Last last minute, Ms. Ng announced that she wants us to draw on transparent sheets and present on OHP an idea to promote certain product. We drew out "Promoting The Star Newspaper". Daryl took charge of that because I had to do some cleaning up with the PowerPoint. When it came to our turn, I did the presentation for the slide shows while Daryl did the presentation for the OHP. Initially, we thought we'd get all 6 of us to present but Winnie said it'd be more organized if not so many got involved, which is true also. Winnie took charge of the laptop while Vion and Soo Lyn modeled the storyboard. Helen was the Supermodel of the day as she posed with our souvenirs and poster.
Overall, I think I did better than my Human Communication's presentation. I think we all did much better than the previous. Hopefully we get good grades for our project.
Joseph - OUT!
Simple Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas
9 years ago
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