"I never thought I'd be in love like this...when I look at you my mind goes on a trip. Then you came in and knocked me on my face, feels like I'm in a race but I already won first place. I never thought I fall for you as hard as I did, you got me thinking about our life and our house. Every morning I look at you and smile cause you came around and you knocked me down...sometimes love comes around and it knocks you down just get back up when it knocks you down. Sometimes love comes around and it knocks you down just get back up when it knocks you down..."
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Stupid ARMY People!
Aww man, I wish I have my own ikran, or better! A Toruk then I can be Toruk Macto! LOL! Lame, lame...
I'd definitely watch it for the second time!
Joseph - I WANT MY OWN AVATAR! Leia o post completo...
I Want Your Love...Love-Love-Love, I Want Your Love
Yeah, my blog's been like DEAD for couple of week. A month I think...
Everybody seems to be in love these days. And yet there's so much struggle in love. But its all worth it when you see your loved one by the end of the day. The feeling of being in love is...there's no words to describe it...
Love colors up your life, love makes you blind, love make you into a different person, love makes you realize whats going on with your life, love motivates you, love frustrates you (sometimes) but hey, it takes two to tango so gotta work on love if you wanna be in a relationship.
"Sometimes love comes around and it knocks you down just get back up when it knocks you down..."
Joseph - Speechless
Yeah, Christmas is sooooo dead. This year's Christmas was so damn boring. There's not even a single mood of festivity this year. Zzz...
I wasn't in the mood to celebrate it too. One of my worst Christmas ever! Later in the evening, it got slightly better. All thanks to...
Anyways, my point is...Christmas really sucks this year!
Joseph - YEAH! I'm The CHRiSTMAS GRiNCH!
The Day I Was iN My BiRTHDAY SUiT...
Thats the 23rd of December! Yeah, my birthday. Celebrated with my closest close friends, Amanda, Jin Hoon, Su May and Janice. They're my best buds from secondary school. Someone important was there too! It made my birthday a little bit better. Well, that person being there made it a whole lot better. Thanks GiRLS for the dinner party. And THANK 'YOU' for accompanying me the whole day.
Joseph - Lalalala...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Ghosts...Can You See Us?
Couldn't wait any longer so I decided to get the DVDs. Ghost Whisperer Seson4! Still watching 'em.
I love Jennifer Love-Hewitt. Can't say much bout Season4 yet since I have yet to finish it.
Been shopping ALOT these days, gotta tone it down. Help, somebody help?
Joseph - WHiSPERiNG...(I don't know to who) Leia o post completo...
I finally managed to finish my Charmed S not eason 8 DVDs. The Power of Three going through hell and surviving once again. This time, permanently. Piper, Phoebe and Paige. The Halliwell sisters, oh...not to forget Prue.
I know this sounds weird but...I cried during the series finale. The scene where old Piper and Leo walk up the stairs and reminisce of the old days with pictures of the past generations of Halliwell. That brought me to tears. Titanic didn't tear me up but Charmed did...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Quite sometime didn't update this bloggy of mine and alot of things has happened.
Where do I even start?
Well, exam week is gone...
Did 3 papers, Visual Communication, Human Communication and the damned Microeconomics...
I have the most confidence in my Human Communication's paper. Hope my results are okay...
During exam week, some faker talked to me outta nowhere and asked me for help for the paper. Like as if I'm gonna be nice. No way, still not ready to make nice.
Few days before the first paper, love found me, I guess...
Cupid's arrow hit me and its stuck there. Everything is sweet and joyful. Just in time for my birthday and Christmas...
Joseph - LOVESiCK
Quite sometime didn't update this bloggy of mine and alot of things has happened.
Where do I even start?
Well, exam week is gone...
Did 3 papers, Visual Communication, Human Communication and the damned Microeconomics...
I have the most confidence in my Human Communication's paper. Hope my results are okay...
During exam week, some faker talked to me outta nowhere and asked me for help for the paper. Like as if I'm gonna be nice. No way, still not ready to make nice.
Few days before the first paper, love found me, I guess...
Cupid's arrow hit me and its stuck there. Everything is sweet and joyful. Just in time for my birthday and Christmas...
Joseph - LOVESiCK
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Its...Just ME & YOU...
I'm sooooo happy! I'm in Cloud 9! Never been this happy before in my life...
Leia o post completo...Friday, December 11, 2009
Feliz Navidad, Feliz Navidad...
Joseph - JOY TO ME?
Finally OUT!
Its out, its out!!! Human Comm's Group Assignment result is out!!! I got an A- =(
Its ok! There's still 40% to go in final exam which means I can bring the A- into a full A or even better an A+!
Before EXAM Week, There's REViSiON Week...
Yup, we're currently in revision week. 1 week for us to get all these information in our brain. Don't know how seniors who are taking 6 papers do it and yet we're taking only 3 papers. Speechless...
Feels like revision week is even more stressful than exam week. Everyday study, study, study.
Thank god I balanced it out with some entertainment.
Places that we've been to for revision? Gosh! Coffee Island, McDs, college library...where next? Sushi King? Revise while eating sushi from the sushi belt? LOL!
Joseph - SPEECHLESS...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
What's WRONG With ME???
I have no idea what the hell is this. All I know is its damn annoying.
I've been feeling down lately. For no apparent reason. Outta nowhere. Been feeling neglected when no one has neglected me, been feeling leftout when I'm sooo in.
Been feeling vulnerable and fragile.
Its an emo week for me. I'd be feeling so emo that whatever I do or whatever I try to say out, I try to not raise my voice or show frustration. Something is bothering me but I don't know what the hell it is.
Joseph - QUESTiONiNG...
This is sooo random, I just thought of it outta nowhere...
Broadcasting - for someone who enjoys all those editing stuffs. Not to forget shooting etc. Also if you don't mind staying up late, graveyard shifts and all. You have to be creative. Broadcasting is not about being famous and all those glitzy stuffs. You have to do backstage work before you become a star in your own right.
Journalism - for people who enjoys writing. OPPPSSS...my bad, we're in the new millennium now. Thats means no more writing, its typing instead. Able to appreciate writings. Needs good vocab skills too. Gotta be up to-date with current news no matter which part of the news that you're interested in. For whoever's taking Journalism, you have to find your own way of writting, your own method, your own style which will make you recognizable. When readers read your work, they'd know its from you.
Public Relations & Advertising - for people who enjoys organizing events, functions, conference. PR is divided into many types including corporate functions. People in PR get to experience organizing press conference for artistes, concerts, charity events and many more. It also requires creativity and also good persuasion and communication skills. Definitely not for a LOOSE CANNON or spoiled brats. Not for short-tempered people too. Oh ya, not for emo-ers.
Mass Communication basically requires you to be creative and find your niche for everything you do. Be yourself, have your own style and be your own brand!
GaGa is Me, I Am GaGa...
I know the title doesn't make sense. I'm not making sense myself...
Just recently very addicted to Lady GaGa's latest album, The Fame Monster.
Soooo into Telephone and Speechless right now...
Don't call me GaGa
I've never seen one like that before
Don't look at me like that
You amaze me
Hello, hello, baby
You called, I can't hear a thing.
I have got no service in the club, you see, see
Wha-Wha-What did you say?
Oh, you're breaking up on me
Sorry, I cannot hear you,
I'm kinda busy.
K-kinda busy
K-kinda busy
Baby loves to dance in the dark
Cause when he's looking, she falls apart
Baby loves to dance in the dark
I want your loving and I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your loving, all your love is revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
Eh-eh, Eh-eh
So happy I could die
Be your best friend
Yeah I'll love you forever
Up in the clouds
We'll be higher than ever
I'll never talk again
Oh boy you've left me speechless
You've left me speechless so speechless
And I'll never love again,
Oh friend you've left me speechless
You've left me speechless, so speechless
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Me? Sure or Not???
Had a brief Mass Comm Society meeting today. Aik Meng sorta lead us for our very first meeting which involves the new committee members. We had a tiny election to vote for a temporary committee position. Daryl got voted as Vice President, Kek Ban as Secretary which later was passed on to Soo Lyn, Pei Fei as Treasurer and President goes to ME. I'm not too sure about it...
I don't know if I am a leader. I don't know if my leadership skill is as good as they think it is. I am having doubts myself but I won't give up just like that. I will "re-define" myself. LOL!
At least I got Daryl to back me up. He's more suitable as the President though...
Joseph - ME???
Converse Clearance Sales...
The Sales was actually a MAJOR dissapointment. It says 70% off but the price was still kinda the same...
I saw a few pair of sneakers that I like but there's always this problem. Its either left small size only or the size was TOO big! SWT! So hard to get a good pair of shoe for a reasonable price...
Joseph - Need to CONVERSE into smaller feet...
PC FAiR Ain't All That Fairly...
I worked with Olympus Camera on day 1 of the fair. By the end of the day I was very sure that the job does not suit me. I'm no salesman for camera. I can't even remember the specs...
Everytime I open my mouth, I uttered "Wimax, Sir?" instead of "Olympus camera, Sir?" So I resigned just after 1day. Of course the superiors weren't too pleased. It is my wrong because I did told them I could work all 3days of the fair but the thing is, when you don't have this "feeling" about a certain job, it just ain't gonna work.
That was Friday. On Saturday, I worked for P1 Wimax. LOL!~with Vion and SinWah. Early in the morning, just after I started to handout flyers, the Olympus' boss (well, sorta) came to see me. Apparently she saw us walking pass her god damn booths. She asked why I quit. I explained to her but let me tell you, she was damn bitchy. Throughout our conversation, all she did was raised her voice. I didn't wanna cause a scene over there so I kept my cool. Otherwise, I would have verbally killed her. She ask me to see the other 'boss' so I went to see her. This 'boss' was nice and all smiles when I explain to her. Unlike a particular bitch.
I felt more at home and comfortable with Wimax. Earlier the bitch asked me why I quit Olympus just after 1day because with Wimax its my first day also. Hahaha, shut up, BiTCH! I've worked with Wimax for 3months already. And the pay was higher. I told her that I feel bad because they are paying me RM80 perday but I couldn't sell any cameras. Well, that was a total lie, I could care less if I could or couldn't sell cameras and I'd still take the pay. My soul ain't that pure and my conscious ain't that holy.
I pass the Olympus booth couple of times, even manage to stop and chat with Gary. The other promoters kept on staring at me (girls). I looked at them and smiled at them and I said, "I know I'm very famous, haha"
I went shopping at the fair on the 3rd day. Yup, wasn't working on that day. And my Wimax boss was so nice, he allowed me to go off on the 3rd day. If it was Olympus, that bitch would have chop off my head though Hell hath no fury like Joseph Pek scorned. My Wimax boss was suddenly SUPER nice so I've decided to let the past be past. Hah...
Got myself a USB Hub, USB Cable, USB LAN Port. I can put USB as my middle name already I guess. LOL! Oooooooo, got an earphone like Kher Shieu's. STEAM oh...buu huik! Haha...
Got some pressie for friends over there too...
Joseph - Am I Turning Into a Gadget Freak?
Friday, December 4, 2009
PC FAiR...
PC Fair is here...
And I'll be working for Olympus...
Don't know why not really excited about it...
I'll probably be intimidated with the crowd...I hope I do well tomorrow...
Gonna work for 3 whole days...
I wanna get something at PC Fair too...but have to work...
Joseph - FAiRiNG...
Had dinner at Seoul Garden today. Its a small gathering/dinner organized by the Mass Comm Society. Seniors + Juniors with Mr. Aaron.
Seoul Garden's food is ok ok only. Normal steamboat food. Not really worth the price but since we're not the one paying, anything goes.
I think our group laughed the loudest and probably the noiseist? All thanks to Wei Ching for cracking lame jokes which has no connection whatsoever...
Took some photos and later on we were told to have a meeting among us the new committee members for next semester's upcoming activities...
Joseph - SEOULful!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
What a damn bloody bitchy cibai doctor! Gary and I took CK to the Government Hospital because he's down with a fever. When it came to his turn, that bloody bitch said "Next time if want to get MC, go to the clinics in the morning. Fever is not emergency case" What the hell? She's a doctor and doctors are supposed to tend to their patients no matter what illness. Fever is not serious huh? H1N1 is not serious then? As if the reason he went there is to get MC. CK didn't even ask for a MC until she mention it. What a bitch! Obviously she failed Moral in school and in college level. Curse you, you bloody bitchy doctor. Too bad I don't know your name! Otherwise, I'd curse you with voodoo magic! I don't know why I froze and didn't scold her. Maybe I was afraid that she'd poison CK. BiTCH!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
GaGa is GOD!
Yes she is! GaGa is GOD! Her new album is explosive and GREAT!
I Am ME!
I joined Teen Frequency out of nowhere, in a last minute. I wanted to join a long time ago, just wasn't sure whether I can join because I can't play any instrument nor can I sing. Mana tau, I got voted to be the External Vice-President. Phew! Don't know whats my job but we'll see...
Gotta rush for the Mass Comm's board! Deco, deco, deco it! I've finished my articles. Hopefully Aaron approves of it.
There's gonna be a small gathering at Gurney Plaza's Seoul Garden on Thursday for the Mass Comm Society...
Gonna mingle cuz I'm single~haha...
Joseph - OUT!
Last Day of Class!
Its the last class for Human Communication and Microeconomics. Visual Communication's last class was last week. I'm gonna miss Human and Visual Communication's class soooo much! Love 'em and the lecturers are friendly and great too.
Micro? Gooood riddance!
Which Team Are You???
Rise to the New Moon!
In Twilight, its about a girl meeting a boy who turns out to be a vampire and the vampire saved her. Took her to prom and it ended there.
New Moon focus more on the minor characters back in Twilight, Jacob Black and Alice Cullen both came into their own story in New Moon. Jacob found out that he's from a tribe of werewolves called the Quiletes and Alice's ability to foresee the future plays a vital key in bringing Bella and Edward together. New Moon also introduces the Volturis with Jane being the one most feared as she can cause pain merely by willing it. It was also revealed by Alice that Bella will be turn into a vampire by Alice herself. New Moon is like Romeo & Juliet in a dark, twisted and vampiric way.
Guess Eclipse will be more action packed and Breaking Dawn would centre on Bella's becoming into a vampire.
I enjoyed the movie overall...
Joseph - MOONiNG... Leia o post completo...
Bloggy's been very inactive for the past few days because bloggy's owner couldn't go online. But bloggy's owner is back and be prepared for updates!
Joseph - I'M BACK!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Child's Play!
Here's to clarify things! I am not born smart nor am I super smart. I worked hard to become the person that I am today. I worked hard to be where I am today. I have my own ways of learning. I DO pay attention in class just in a different manner and in a less stressful manner than yours! Youy might think that I'm a snob just cuz I speak English. I worked hard for my English. Enid Blyton's books helped me with my English eversince I was a kid. Its the matter of whether you are willing to learn and daring enough to speak it out loud!
Why would you wanna stress yourself out with these small problems? We're only taking 2 Communication subjects and you're so damn 'gung-ho' about it already. Imagine when we're taking 6 subjects. Then you'll REMOVE everyone thats seems to excel in class la?
The only way to improve is to ask, not emo and hate people who are improving. Get a life!
You are not suppose to study none stop with no play at all. I joke around, I flirt around, I make a fool outta myself but I know my understanding of what we're learning. So, don't hate me for being the person that I am.
I love myself and its time for you to find your true self and love yourself...
Joseph - TiRED of DRAMA!
Finally! My CHARMED Ones...
I finally found my Charmed Season8 DVD! At Batu Feringghi's Night Market. Finally! Piper, Phoebe and Paige! I love you girls!!! I bought Jennifer's Body and I Love You, Beth Cooper as well. Lalalala...so happy!
Even a bitch who was selling these beach shorts couldn't get to my nerves. She dare to say that I'm too choosy??? I shoot her back! Of course I have to be choosy! I'm wearing them often. If I wanna be cincai, I won't buy already. Didn't buy from her, HNG HNG!
Nevermind! I have my CHARMED ONES to accompany me!
Joseph - CHARMED! Leia o post completo...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Went to Popular Bookstore's Clearance Sales once again with CK and Gary. The initial plan was to just accompany Gary to get his refund 'cause they accidentally overcharged him the other day. But...Gary ended up spending another extra RM30 on top of the RM30 refund that he got back. LOL!As for myself, I grabbed 2 copies of Enid Blyton's Children Series. The hardcover ones. While waiting, I saw a very very interesting book. Its Roger Lancelyn Green's Tales of Ancient Egypt. Anything that has to do with Egypt, I'm in. The thing that got me interested in Egyptian Myths is the Age of Mythology game. Haven't stop 'studying' about the myths of the ancient egypts then.
and I end up discarding the Enid Blyton books...LOL!
Managed to finish 2 chapters so far. "Children of Ra" and "Isis and Osiris". Having a blast...
I know I'll get hate mails for this but its way better than Twilight or New Moon. Hahahaha...
Joseph - EGYPTiAN-ing!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Damn these 2 types of People...
Oh my GAWD! There's 2 type of people that I hate!
1. Fakers - these people pretend like nothing ever happened when there has been conflicts. They won't even discuss about the conflict. And if they do something behind your back, they act as if nothing has happened even though they know that you already know.
Joseph - HATE These PEOPLE! Leia o post completo...
Teenagers Nowadays...
This is just an observation of mine. I've notice this strange occurance in every teenagers' daily life.
A teenager would wake up and these are the things they do...
1. Switch on their laptop
2. Log into MSN
3. Log into Facebook
4. Log into Skype
5. Open PPS.tv and start streaming
6. Check updates in Facebook
7. Start chatting with friends
8. Open Cafe World in Facebook
Of all these activities, I've noticed 1 thing that's missing. The very first and most important thing when you wake up. BRUSH YOUR TEETH. Hahahaha...
As for me...when I wake up these arethe things I do...
1.Play my mp3s
2. Brush teeth
3. Start singing (I can't sing with morning breath, right?)
If I'm sleeping over at friend's house with a lappy...
1. Login MSN
2. Login Facebook
3. Play some mp3s
4. Go brush teeth
5. Check updates
6. Then start to day dream
Funny thing with teenagers...
HEY! I'm a teenager too, what am I posting???
Joseph - BLURRED!
Christmas Carolling The Scrooge Way...27th November 2009
The 5 of us went to watch A Christmas Carol at GSC Gurney Plaza. Gary was in the Christmass mood. He bought a brand new Christmas Tree with ornaments and lights. He's excited about this year's Christmass alright...
Oh ya, the 5 of us are Leaf, Hong Kai, Gary, CK & Myself. Oooh, oooh! Before movie, we went to James' Western Food at Fettes Park for dinner. Great great food.
After watching A Christmas Carol, his Christmas Mood doubled. LOL! Here's what I think of the movie...The story is the same as other Scrooge story except its a little bit darker. The story revolves around Ezebener Scrooge who's grew up quite comfortably except he was a lonely kid growing up. Throughout his life, all he cares about is not to live in poverty. His wife even left him because of his stingy ways. One Christmas Eve, the only friend and his business partner, Marley passed away. He hated Christmas eversince. Everybody knows Scrooge at the mention of his name. He dislike kids, he's stingy and he's against any festivities. He don't even give his worker a day off on Christmas Day. Fast forward 7 Christmas Eves later...
One night, the spirit of his deceased friend came to him and warned him that he will be visited by 3 spirits by the end of the night...
Scrooge as usual, brush it off...
All I can say is he was visited by The Ghost of Christmas Past, The Ghost of Christmas Present & The Ghost of Christmas Future.
To me, the movie is just okayyy because you get this kind of movie every year before Christmas. This time, the story of a stingy oldman who's visited by 3 spirits is just a little darker, thats all. For example, previously The Ghost of Christmas Future was portrayed by a spirit of an Angel or a lady. The people in A Christmas Carol decides to go darker I guess by making The Ghost of Christmas Future looked like The Reaper. Covered in black robe and skeleton like features.
I fell asleep halfway through the movie. Hahaha, sorry guys. LOL! I guess I'm not feeling the Christmas mood yet. It will come...
Joseph - Not CAROLiNG yet...
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Faker Face! I can read your Faker Face!
I don't get it. Its not like I set a goal to be the smart one in class. I am not a smartass. I don't belittle people when they don't understand stuffs. So, would you wanna make yourself an enemy of me?
This particular person blocked me on MSN, then he removed me from his Facebook. I'm fine with it but don't be a fake/phony. He acted as if nothing ever happened when I see him in college. He can still talk to me like regular. Damn freaking fake. There's so many fake people out there.
So, dear Mr. Fake, are you intimidated by me? do you feel that I'm smarter than you? or are you just plain jealous of what I have? If you feel that being anti-ME would make you feel "smarter", go ahead and keep on doing what you're doing. I could care less. Because I know that by the end of the day, I'll be the one smilling and you'll be your emo self all alone.
So what if you can't answer the lecturer's question in tutorial class? So what if I can answer 'em? Are you mad just because you're no longer teacher's pet? If I can answer the questions post by the lecturer, that means I have an understanding of the topic and of the subject. I don't walk into class stomping my feet and act all emo. I go in with a smile, cheeky at times and leave the class with a proper manner. I can be consider as NiCE so don't make a BiTCH outta me.
I'll lash out to you once you cross my limit. With your current 'behavior', you'll get to nowhere. Why is it being a teacher's pet is so important to you? Sometimes you REFUSED to answer the questions and now when he don't ask you at all, you get touchy. Are you like iN LOVE with this lecturer? Gosh! Get a life!
It's alright, you can continue to hate me for being an active student. You can hate me for being helpful. You can hate me for being smarter than you. Just don't come to me when you need any help. Cuz you've made yourself Joseph's Personal Enemy #1!
I know I'll do better than you because I know what I'm doing and I don't need to be teacher's pet to feel useful, wanted or even smart. I am likeable to lecturers. Wait till next semester, you'll hate me EVEN more! Haha, I pity you...
Joseph - DON'T MESS WiTH ME!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Yippee Yay Yay! Get to sing my lungs out in RedBox after a month +'s hiatus! LOL! Hahaha...
Went with Amanda and Kher Shieu. Finally RedBox has got new English songs. Not all are updated though.
I sang...
I might have left out some songs...hmm...
Joseph - DEVOURED REDBOX! Leia o post completo...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Task #1!
Had our meeting with Aik Meng and Kia about the Mass Comm Society. They briefed us about things and asked if we are really into this. We assured them that we won't MEET THEM HALFWAY. We'll meet them all the way through. Oh ya! Vion is in! Woot! Woot!
And now...our first ever task!
Re-vamp the Mass Comm Society's Bulletin Board!
Daryl wants to re-design the fonts and stuffs like that while the girls wanna do the decoration part.
As for me...I'll try to fill it up with articles. Movie reviews perhaps? Or maybe an album review?
Wait for it!
Joseph - EXCiTED!
I Don't Understand Why...
What are assignments?
They are a form of practice to help you in your studies. Assignments show you how much you understand the subjects that you are taking. It tells you your understanding about the topics taught. If there's no assignment, only lectures alllll the way...you wouldn't know how much you've learned. I don't think that by listening to lectures only and then proceed onto exam is a good idea. Assignments are not enemies. They are friends. Even if you sucked at it, you will know where you did wrong. Next time, you can improve.
Don't fret over assignments. If you feel that its taxing, finish it early then you get to rest early too. Don't wait till last minute. College is full of assignments. Its up to us whether we want to view it positively or negatively.
Joseph - CRAPPiNG OUT!
Tuesday! 24th November 2009...
Finally! Tuesday has arrive...the day where I have classes. Especially Human Communication classes. F-U-N!
Learned about Mass Communication I today. Talked alot about "gatekeepers". Hmm..."gatekeepers", somehow it sounds mythical to me. Its like "I am the Gatekeeper to the Netherworld." Haha, geeky, I know!
Micro oh Micro, I hate you but I need to pass you to pass myself. Gosh!
Aik Meng and Kia round us up for the Mass Communication Society's meeting. We were told to vote for another committee member from our batch because someone from April intake quit. So, we unanimously voted for Vion. She's great with decorating and creative stuffs like that. Our very first job! Decorate the Mass Comm Society's board. Daryl will be designing the fonts etc. Vion and the girls of course will do the decorating. As for myself, I want to write some article. Will get Mr. Aaron's opinion on that. Hmm...movie reviews, album reviews perhaps???
Joseph - EXCiTED!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
NOTHiNG To UPDATE...Thats why there was no update...
First of all, life sucks. Cuz its damn boring when you're by yourself. There's nothing much to do except laze around on days when there are no class.
I suprised myself when I ask my mom to go church with me this morning. I shocked the hell outta myself. Anyways, I enjoyed today's mass. Mainly because of the priest. This time around the priest is more friendly and not so whiny like the previous priest. I felt HOLY during the mass. When I left church, I'm back to my old HiAO self...
Typical me...
Oh ya! I got myself a new necklace! Its a pendant of a black wing. I feel like a Fallen Angel. Cool!
Joseph - FALLiN OUT...
Friday, November 20, 2009
Broken Hearted Assignment...
Today was our last tutorial class for Visual Communication. And our final assignment was to write a report on about an image. The image that I choose was of a Heart thats wounded and covered with stitches and a plaster. The reason behind it is that I feel the picture tells a great story.
Our fragile Heart gets hurt easily. During that moment of vulnerability, we are exposed to just about anything. The stitches represents the heart being wounded and mended. While the plaster shows the recovering process of the broken heart...
Gosh! So emo out of nowhere...haha
Joseph - I Am Not Broken Hearted... Leia o post completo...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The day has come...
The day for Visual Communication Project's Presentation. Last last minute, Ms. Ng announced that she wants us to draw on transparent sheets and present on OHP an idea to promote certain product. We drew out "Promoting The Star Newspaper". Daryl took charge of that because I had to do some cleaning up with the PowerPoint. When it came to our turn, I did the presentation for the slide shows while Daryl did the presentation for the OHP. Initially, we thought we'd get all 6 of us to present but Winnie said it'd be more organized if not so many got involved, which is true also. Winnie took charge of the laptop while Vion and Soo Lyn modeled the storyboard. Helen was the Supermodel of the day as she posed with our souvenirs and poster.
Overall, I think I did better than my Human Communication's presentation. I think we all did much better than the previous. Hopefully we get good grades for our project.
Joseph - OUT!
Sing Me A Tune...
Lalala, hahaha...
Tagged along with CK to watch Gary, Leaf and Eumene performed at Ultimaxx Cafe. Melodii was there too. She's a senior who took Journalism in English earlier in Mass Comm. Has graduated since.
I went to Qbay with CK for a stroll and then head back to the cafe after our dinner.
Went for supper after Gary's performance. I only 'feel' 2 songs. Because of You and Breaking Free cuz the rest was in mandarin. Mostly chinese songs. Haha...
Till next time...
Joseph - OUT!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Love Season? Break Up Season? I Don't Know...
This month is like soooo filled with love and yet so filled with break ups. What is happening...
Boring, Boring, Boring...
I'm dying of boredom here! ARGH!!! What I need is something to spice up my life! Something to color my life!
Been staying over at Gary & CK's house for a few days now...at least I got people to chat with and hang with...
Anyways, Tuesday's class was not bad. I went to class late a little bit. CK drove us to college. His class starts at 8am also. Phew! Thank god Mr. Aaron is nice. Learnt about Decision Making and Persuasion today.
Microeconomics as usual, boring like shit! We were faced with our Progressive Test II today. I was so lost that I don't know what to crap about even in the essay section. The last question had this graph where we have to explain what sort of firm will have this particular curves. I just state there, Law Firm, Seafood Firm and Food Firm. CRAP, right? I don't care. Micro is not my strength. There's also a question whereby we had to explain the term 'market' and 'market structure'. To me, market is where you buy things. Poultry, vegetables etc. So I crap about that. The structure of a market? You need people selling in order for people to buy. Thats what it is to me. Zzz...
Joseph - Going CRAZY!
Monday, November 16, 2009
I hate this damn subject! Hate it! It has nothing to do with Mass Communication! Why do we have to take it! Grrr...tomorrow got test some more. Damn it!
Either God Bless Me or God Blast Me for this test...
Joseph - GaGa-iNG
It's Monday, 16th of November and I'm rotting in boredom. I hate it when there's no class. I've got no where to go today. Somebody SAVE me!!!
Joseph - DYiNG...of BOREDOM!
I am sick and tired and soooo done with explaining myself. Whatever you people wanna call me, let it be...
I am who I am...
Joseph - ...
I Don't Get It!
I just don't get some people. They are from a reputable English educated school but my god! Their English is so god damn broken and yet they dare to post long comments on Facebook using their pathetic English. At least get a dictionary or go translate in Google.Good gracious, what a disgrace to the school! Anyways, they get to attend English class in college. Brush up then, good luck! You'll need it. Once broken, always broken. Tatz...
I know I'm mean and bitchy in this post but what do I care?
Joseph - I Know My ENGLiSH!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Can Butter Fly???
Yes, Butter can Fly. Butterfly. Haha! Lame one, I know...
Gary, CK and myself, went to Butterfly Farm in Teluk Bahang. Just decided to go there for fun. Insects aren't really my thing but I enjoyed it cuz it was with CK and Gary. We took tons of pictures. Nothing much has changed since I last visited. That was when I was 5 years old. 15years ago!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
All That I Want Is U, All That You Is...
You said move on where do I go?...
You would prefer to stay as good friends...
I guess second best is all I will know...
I will try my best...
To hide my feelings towards you...
Give a little love...
Have a little faith...
I'm okay, I'm okay...
Don't keep asking me, I might disintegrate
Everything is going well at least that's what I tell myself...
I wish I was the tin man so I...wouldn't have a heart to break
Joseph - ...
Fwensss...I can't live without 'em. I can live without the internet, I can live without my overloaded wardrobe and such but I cannot live without friends! They meant the world to me. Why am I posting this at 5.41am in the morning? Because I can't sleep! So, I decided to do some so called soul searching and I realized I really like to be around my friends. I enjoy being with them even if its just plain sitting and chit chatting. Just their presence make me feel so ALIVE. I go to college like say, 10-20minutes early before class starts and I'd be looking for my friends if they're in the canteen, otherwise I wouldn't step into the canteen.
If none of my close friends attend class in college and I'm all alone, I'm a different person all together. I'd be really quiet with no lame jokes whatsoever. Why am I like that? "Only Child Syndrome" perhaps???
Joseph - SLEEPLESS... Leia o post completo...
Went to watch Phobia2 with CK and Gary. That sii gii na, CK! He wanted to watch but he was the one hiding his face behind the jacket throughout the movie! Anyways, here's what I think about the movie...
First story is about a boy who was sent to a temple deep in the forest to be a monk. He accidentally stepped on the offerings for the hungry ghosts. He got hungry at night and went to this "altar" that was meant for the hungry ghost during the Hungry Ghost Festival. A particular spirit came to haunt him and eventually killed him.
Second story is about an oldman who's brain dead and his so called disciples performed this ritual to transfer his spirit into a young man who was warded in the same room with him.
Third story tells of a drug sneaking syndicate turned wrong where all the people used to smuggle in the drugs end up dead in the truck. The dead later became zombies and ate them.
Fourth story is about a 2nd hand car dealer who gets cars that are badly crashed in accidents and repair them then re-sell them. Soon, the restless souls of those killed in accident came back to haunt her and caused her son's life.
The fifth and final story is a comedy horror! Go watch it for yourself.
Joseph - OUT! Leia o post completo...
Guys Nite Out!
3 of us, Gary, CK and Myself, we went to Gurney to watch Phobia2. Went to get our tickets first. We wanted to lunch there after that but all the stalls at the food court already closed. Restaurants? Over budget. Plus we went there at 9pm and our movie is at 9.50pm. We round till 9.30pm then decided to go buy just a snack to fill up our tummy. We got ourself some Crispy Crepes. After the movie, we went to have our 'dinner' at Kapitan.
Oh ya! Bumped into Kia and Sher Lyn at GSC. Haha, Kia was wearing the same clothes that he wore since morning in college...hope he doesn't read this!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Class! Cancelled...
Woke up early in the morning...7.12am to be precise. Drag my lazy bum outta the bed. Damn sleepy cuz didn't sleep 1 whole night. Why? Cuz I can't sleep! Went to college and waited and waited for class to start only to find out later that class' been cancelled. Aduii!!!
Visual Communication's tutorial's been cancelled! Now? Rotting in IT lab till 11am cuz there's a briefing for the helpers who are helping out at the PR event in New World Park this Sunday.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I Feel...USEFUL!
The other day I forgot to mentioned that after Human Comm's lecture class, Kia and Aik Meng came in. The 2 'big cables' in the Mass Comm Society. Haha, they came in to elect new committee members for the Mass Comm Society. The chosen 6 from our batch are...
Winnie Tan Seok Khim
Goh Soo Lyn
Lee Pei Fei
Daryl Tan Wen Xian
Ng Wei Ching
Joseph Pek Kean Boon aka ME!
They'll be choosing another 6 from the Jan-April intake today...
Then the 12 of us will be under probation and we'll be helping out with the upcoming PR event organized by the final year PR students called Penang Heritage Fiesta. Good luck to us!
Joseph - BAD ROMANCiNG...
Ra-ra-ah-ah-ah-ah...I'm Caught In A BAD ROMANCE
1 Word! FUN!
Got back from Qbay at 6pm then went out at 6.50pm and head to Gary and CK's house. Going to tag along with CK to go support Gary. He's singing in Ultimaxx Cafe opposite of Qbay Mall with Leaf and Eumene. I had FUN over there! I've been hanging out ALOT with them recently and I find it really FUN. I conversed in Mandarin most of the time but who cares? And I want CK to converse in English! That kiddo is so shy to converse in English. Gotta SPEAK UP! He's got good english, way better than some people that I know. He can construct really good sentence from the way I see his smses to me. Just gotta find the courage to go English!
I know I'm repeating this but I enjoy hanging with them. Hahahaha...
Joseph - HAPPY!
A Discussion Turned Into An Outing To Qbay!
LOL! I went to college to meet up with my Visual Comm's group members to discuss about our upcoming presentation. We did discuss but Daryl was M.I.A. Haha, we ended up going to Qbay Mall for a little window shopping and hang at TBowl restaurant. We just chat and remisnice about the fun we had back in Genting. There was ALOT of laughters involved...Hahahaha...
Joseph - OUT!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Kelsen is his name!
He is our lecturer for Human Communication's tutorial class. His class is really fun and somehow we understand more in his class. Maybe cuz there's a more detailed explaination. He is a little bit cheeky at times. He can do Helen's upper lips on lower lips' pose. Act cute pose! And he can also immitate Pei Fei's squeaky voice. Front and back also 'kiau kiau'-HAHAHA! He bought a shaver at BestDenki in Gurney Plaza and 'supposedly' have a boyfriend named Phillip cuz he bought Phillip's brand of shaver. LOL!
But he won't add us on Facebook! Ish!
Joseph - OUT!
Something's WRONG with her...
Have you seen this girl? She's already 21 but I tell you...her mind is like 15! She is so random and soooo lame. She will crack up jokes out of nowhere. And the funniest thing is she manage to link those jokes with the topics. She can dig out jokes from any topics. And her laughter, my gawd! Infectious, she is the epitome of L-A-M-E!
Leia o post completo...
The Day That iS Today...10th November 2009
Overslept!!! I set my alarm at 7am but I snooze it till 7.30am! Thank god I arrive at college in the nick of time. Even manage to chat with Pei Fei. We teased Kelsen a little bit also. Hahaha! For some reason, I can't concentrate in class today. My mind is like blank-o. Hopefully my questions will be answered in tutorial class later...
Joseph - BLURRED!
The Day Before Today...
Before today, it was yesterday. What happen yesterday? Well, I went for a haircut which I kinda regretted. Then head back home and rot at home till 3.30pm. I went to Gary's house after that. Went to try to do the PowerPoint Presentation for Visual Comm and TRIED to start my Micro's assignment but I'm still blocked. Damn you Micro! I am so damn lost with this stupid assignment. Later that night, Gary, CK, Leaf & Myself, we went to Faces for dinner. Then, we went to the Batu Ferringhi beach for a stroll. We talked crap alot at the beach...
10.30pm, gotta head back! I promised Ren Jie that I'd help him out with his English Assignment. Earlier he had ask me to help him. I was helping him find the sources halfway when Gary ask me to join them for dinner so I told him I'll help him later. I managed to help him with his assignment. Till 12.30am. Phew!
Went back, straight go into PiG Mode!
Joseph - OUT!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Gwen Stefani! You like me? Super Kawaii! That means SUPER CUTE in Japanese!
Joseph - Harujuku-ing! Leia o post completo...
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Sunday 8th November 2009
Lets see, signed 1 case in Tesco and 1 case in Alma, BM later on. So total of 4 pieces of modem out. This new promotion that P1 Wimax introduced is like when you sign up for a home modem, you get a portable modem free so we do double sales. Cool!
Wanna know more 'bout the package? Ask me in person!
This little kid named Bill who's a colleague also...damn cheeky! Haha, fun kid to hang around!
On the way to Alma, Bm I did my El Nin-Yo dance again! This time a little bit more SLUTTiER! Hahahaha....
Went for dinner with Gary and CK at Sungai Pinang's foodcourt. Seems to be eating there alot lately. Hmm...I need a haircut. My hair is becoming difficult to style...
Joseph - OUT!
Saturday 7th November 2009
Work oh work, went there with no spirit at all. Just went there to rebel. I went to work wearing RED SHORTS even though its not allowed. You gotta pay me right for me to work right. Anyways, I changed into my jeans later on. Have to go to Alma, BM at 4pm with Kher Shieu, Gary and another colleague but Gary was sick so only 3 of us. Boring like hell. Nothing there. No one pass by the booth also. We just hung around the Mitsubishi Triton and sang along to my pendrive's MP3s. Oh ya! I danced to Tata Young's El Nin-Yo! Hahaha! Slutty and hiao!!! Kher Shieu laughed till got tears. Hahahahaha....no sales on that day though...
Went to have supper with Tony, Keat, Chiew, Kang, Vion & Sin Wah. We gave Keat a new name. Haha! KenKen! And Tony was previously ToTo but now its Pu To Kua (Raisins) 'cuz he said it was very hot at Gurney Walk that he's turning into Pu To Kua soon. Hahaha!
Reach home at 12.30am. After shower, straightaway went into pig mode...
Joseph - OUT!
Put Me In An Arguement and I'm Bound to Win...
Gotta fight for what you deserve, right? So together with my other colleagues (we're in the same team), we fought for what we deserved. We explain to 'him' nicely why we don't agree with the sudden change of payment method. Come on, we're just students, some of us are saving the money to get a laptop and other gadgets necessary to help us in our studies. And also for assignments and projects. Some of us are using the salary to support ourself. You expect us to get our salary every 2months? And no basic pay? Just commision? What are we gonna eat on?
I was really fired. Its been a long time since I got involve in an argument. I was like having verbal diarrhoea. Gosh! Anyways, no need to post up so long...just that we won the 'battle'. And now everything is back to normal. No special stuff here and there. Just our basic.
And FYI, I am polite and nice. My attitude does not kill me. I'm still well and alive...
Joseph - OUT!
New P1 Family Member...
Teoh Kher Shieu is her name. The one who emo at the corner...haha! Kher Shieu is my classmate and now the new addition to the P1 Team. Welcome, welcome!
Don't emo with the modem can already, hehe...
Joseph - OUT!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Go FUCK Yourself Please...
First supposed to meet in Tesco at 6pm to get our salary and a supposedly called 'meeting'. Then the bastard changed it to Thursday 6pm. Fine, we are all okay with the time and day. Late in the afternoon, this son of a bitch sms say change to next day which is Friday 6pm also. Hello? You think we are so free? And some of us stay quite far from Tesco. From Tanjung Bungah to Tesco? You think 100m is it? We told him we're not free.
I went to Tesco today to accompany Emo 'cuz she's working with us also and the fuck-tart wanna interview her. Then he saw me and said wanna have a 'meeting' with me. Fine, a meeting it is.
He asked me how many sales I have last month? I told him 8 according to record. He said its 7. Ok, let you win. Then he pass me a cheque of RM200 and I was like "huh?, my salary is RM365 total for last month cuz lately we've been working 12hrs on Saturdays and Sundays. Totaling up to 24hrs for both days. He said that he's not supposed to give me the RM200 also but he did anyway cuz he 'break the rules' cuz he feel I need money to survive. Go fuck yourself on your old asshole la! EVERYBODY needs money to survive! Especially students like us. Then I ask him about my basic RM5 per hour pay, he said no more already because he up our commission from 50% to 60% so no more basic pay. What the FUCK???!!! Everybody has got basic pay. Especially students who worked on weekends! Who on this damn Earth is gonna work for you if you only pay commission and the damn fucking commission is delayed 65days??? Every 2months only get salary? Go fuck yourself, please...
I still remember! During our first meeting, he introduced this shitty idea of payment to us in McD. He said if we get 10cases per month, he will add another RM300 allowance to our basic salary. And up the 50% commission to 60%. I even double check with him and ask him "If we don't get 10cases? The pay revert back to RM5 per hour and no RM300 allowance, right?" He said "YES". And back to normal 50% commision. Now you twist your words around? Please, if you have already fucked yourself the last 2times I mentioned, GO FUCK YOURSELF AGAIN! I might be a student and I might be 20 but I ain't no fool for you to fool. You ain't gonna fool me just becuz you think that you've live longer in this world. Again, please go fuck yourself...
Joseph - PISSED!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Vain or Bored???
Mainly bored. Haha, I don't know what got into me but I was so damn bored last night that I decided to do this different sides of me, myself & I. Hope nobody vomits after viewing it. Its on my Facebook as well. Haha...
Monday, November 2, 2009
I don't care...blekkkk
Hah...forgive the title...
I got this necklace from Bead Zone today in Prangin. The pendant is of an Ankh Cross. The Ankh Cross represents life (immortality) and death. It's closely related to the looped cross that can mean fertility and life. The Ancient Egyptians used the ankh to stand for the word Ejna¸ meaning life. The Goddess of Fertility and Love, Hathor carries a scepter with an Ankh attached.
I used to have an Ankh necklace but my church members told me its an evil sign, bla bla bla...
Now? I don't give a damn! I like it and thats the way it is. Come on lerr...it's just accessories, who cares...why take it soooo seriously!
Joseph - OUT!
Monday 2nd November 2009
Time to focus on Visual's project! Deadline is this coming Thursday! Head to Prangin to meet up with Daryl, Soo Lyn and Helen to discuss and try to finish it off. Soo Lyn and Helen bought shoes and clothes while rounding to look for souvenirs for our project. Hahahaha!
No info bout our project-hehe...wait till we pass it up.
Now in Gary's house to help him with something and also get some photos from the project...
Sunday 1st November 2009
Woke up at 10am. Dragged my lazy bum to get ready then head to Prangin for the last day of Broadband Fair. Sin Wah's got assignment to finish so she'll only come in at 5pm. Sin Wah!!! Boring le alone...
But thank god I managed to get along with Bill and Sherrina so time passed quite fast without Sin Wah. I 'moved' to the music there also. Haha-my usual 'Tiger Show'...
Managed to get 2 more cases too...
Sin Wah came at 5pm and its time to annoy her! Hahaha! But she annoyed me more. All thanks to her lame jokes. They were DAMN lame! Like a totally different level of lame-ness... Aduii, Tan Sin Wah...
We finished work at 9pm. While cleaning up, Calvin, out colleague told Sin Wah to go over to the PC Accessories' booth 'cause the guy working there wanted to get to know her. Haha! She said she's going back already. Then that guy came over and introduced himself as Andy. Sin Wah pulak introduced herself as Joseph. Aduii, Tan Sin Wah...anyways, leave it there la or else she will kill me...
Was super close to making a new specs but after thinking about it, realized that it's not necessary. Bought something that I needed more. A brand new DVD player 'cause the one I have at home is abit of a cracko. Sometimes it plays the DVD but sometimes it just stucks there...
After work I went to Tesco 'cause Gary was like super bored there. Went to accompany him lo...turns out CK was there too! Haha! Time to bug him!!! He's really cute to bug! Hahaha...Tony was there too. Oh ya, Vion gave Tony a new name. Its Pu To (Grapes)-LOL!
Went back at 10.30pm and finally! I get to watch Bleach Movie 3: Fade To Black!!!
Black BiTCH!
Before I continue with events that happened on the 1st, something on the 31st of October.
A damn bitchy customer of Sin Wah's rang her up and kept on bugging her about her modem. She kept on going bout her line cannot be used. That she waited for 2hours and she still can't use it. Sin Wah tried her best to explain to her but the indian bitch just kept on yelling at her. Sin Wah then called Vion and me. Vion told her not to answer that bitch's call anymore and ask me to call her instead. So I called up that bitch. She's a damn bitch 'cause she kept on bugging Sin Wah till she got involved in an accident. Bloody black bitch!
So, I called her up and I spoke to her like I'm Sin Wah's superior. She really thought I was her superior so she spoke to me in a very polite manner. But that didn't last long. She ended up shouting also. She was looking for trouble and she did it on purpose. She changed topic now and then. First it was her modem, then she said she wanna terminate her account. Fine, do as you like. But she had to create another problem. She said she wants her money back on the spot. Our procedure is 45 days to return the money. She demand explanation. Fine, I explained to her. By the way, she bugged Sin Wah about the RM100 refund also. After I explained to her, she change topic again! Now she say that she wanna use it in Bukit Merah and P1 Wimax don't have coverage in Bukit Merah. What a BITCH! When she signed up, we ask her where is she using this particular modem and she said in PENANG. Now she say in Bukit Merah. WTF???!!!
I've gotta explode as she was still yelling at me. Everytime I wanna say something, she raise her voice even louder. I couldn't take it anymore so I told her "You keep quiet and listen to me". She really kept quiet and listen to me.
Then she revert back to her old bitchy self and start to yell again. She said that we're making her angry and that she's got feeling. Hello??? You're angry? Then what about my colleague when you kept on calling her and yelling and raising your voice at her??? She dare to say that she didn't call Sin Wah but its Sin Wah who asked her to call her. What the hell??? Then she said she's gonna post on Facebook that P1 cannot be used then she hang up. I called her back and told her "its up to you if you wanna do that but it just proves that you're real immature and should you terminate your account, please do not call up my colleague anymore".
My gawd! Damn bloody black bitch!
Saturday 31st October 2009
Its Halloween! And I was working in Prangin Mall's Broadband Fair for P1 Wimax. It was a little bit intimidating but thank god Sin Wah was there. At least there's somebody that I know. Managed to signed 2 cases and Sin Wah signed 3. Got to know a new colleague named Bill and Sherrina.
We finished earlier on that day because I've got Helen's birthday party to attend and Sin Wah's assignment to do so we left at 7pm. Supposedly at 5pm but she wanted to hang on till 7pm, so ok lo...
Rushed to Helen's birthday at 7.50pm with Nelson. Held at Symphony Park, it was a BBQ party. Us guys got her a Teddy Bear half the size of Gary. Haha! Hopefully she likes it. After the BBQ, we head to the clubbing district of Penang. The Upper Penang Road. First was Mois, then Soi 11, then Mois then Fame where some stuff which is not worth mentioning happened.
It was my first time clubbing, I kinda enjoy it 'cause there was music for me to 'move'... but I doubt I'll be a so called clubbing kaki. 'Cause its kinda expensive to club. I went there with Gary and CK so I left with them too. After clubbing, we went to Ali's at the Han Chiang hostel there to chill. Left at 2am. Gotta work the next day...
Friday 30th October 2009
Its Friday and its Visual Assignment Day! LOL! For this week's assignment, we had to write an article about ourself or family members. Gosh, its soooo perasan...
Anyways, I wrote about myself and bout my best friends( you know who you are...).
After class, where did I go...
Oh ya! Haha...sorry 'bout the memory lost there...
I hang at college till 11am 'cause Daryl wanted to discuss about our Visual Communication's project. Then at 11.30am I went to Prangin with Annie to watch Jennifer's Body 'cause I have a free pass to watch it. Unfortunately, Prangin's Cathay Cinema ain't screening Jennifer's Body. Damn them! We opted for Ninja instead...
After Ninja, I planned to go to GSC Gurney to watch Jennifer's Body but it was too last minute, none of my friends could join me...
So I went home and SLEEP!
Thursday 29th October 2009 - After Class...
After class, I went to Qbay Mall with Kher Shieu, Soo Lyn and Helen. We went to shop for Halloween!!! Well, the girls anyways...
I wanted to get something in black but ended up getting like less than a quarter of my so-called costume. Just a bloody red tie. Haha...'cause the black buttoned down shirt were expensive like hell! The girls bought witches' hat, some dress and I bought myself a bloody red ring and some DIY wristbands. And also a tee that says SAVE THE FUTURE! Haha.
They left at 4pm but I stayed on till 9.30pm 'cause I bumped into my friends so I join them after the girls left...
Went to Tesco at 9.30pm 'cause friends wanna get some stuffs at Tesco. I had my own agenda to go to Tesco too...its to bug my colleague Tony!!!
Thursday 29th October 2009
Started the day as usual with Microeconomics class. Boring class but I'm starting to feel okayyy with the lecturer. I dislike him because I hate the subject but he seems to be joking with me in class at times and I feel super duper cheeky in his class. Haha!
Ended at 12pm, went to McD with Annie, Gary, Leaf, Si Ling and not to forget, CK! We 'ta pao' McD and head to Gary's house. CK...hahaha! He quacks when you poke his ribs. Hahaha!
We left Gary's house at 2.55pm 'cause Visual Communication class starts at 3pm. We reached college at 3.02pm and Pei Fei told us outside of class that Ms. Ng is in a bad mood today. We pulak, so stupid to believe her and walked in class with a serious manner. My god! Hahahaha...anyways, in Visual's class we learned about Visual Aid in Journalism. Me likey likey!
After class ended, a classmate approached me. Sorry, I don't know your name-really sorry. Anyways, he came up to me and asked me about the Newsletter Team thingy. He asked about the schedule, whether it'd be really packed. Er...I have like no idea at all 'cause there's like no meeting at all so far. But glad that he came up to me, at least I know now I have a partner in crime for Journalism English. Haha...finally! I found 1 who's taking the same major as me...
Its been awhile...
Gosh! Its been awhile since I update my bloggy. To some, few months is called awhile since they update their blog but to me a few days is enough to be called awhile! Be prepared to be updated! Lots of things happened...lately, most of the things that I do kinda went wrong. Damn me...
I'm really having a row of bad luck here. Its been going on for weeks... I need a four leaf clover! LOL!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Day Where The Veil that Separates Our World with the Netherworld...
In the Celtic tradition it is known as Samhain, where the veil between our world and the netherworld is at its thinnest, making it possible for nether-beings to cross to our world for that 24hours.
"Tonight as the barrier between two realms grow thin, spirits shall walk amongst us once again. They will be families, friends, foes, pets and strangers. This feast, I will leave on my doorstep all night. On my window, one candle shall burn bright to help my loved ones find their way as they travel this eve and this night until dawn. In life is death and in death is life, tonight we are joined again..."
Not sure if I have the chance or not...
We'll see...